Should Have 'Bein Paying Attention

Vladimir Geshkenbein has just won large pot that ended in the floor being called to sort out a minor dispute.
In the hand Geshkenbein was heads up against Gregor Waltermann on a flop. Waltermann checked, Geshkenbein bet 5,000 and Waltermann quizzed his opponent on the strength of his hand, specifically what kicker he held, before raising to 26,000.
This last raise left him with only 4,000 chips so Geshkenbein tossed in a handful of yellow 5,000 chips and said "Let's see what you've got." Waltermann nodded and turned over his hand which was up against the
of Geshkenbein.
The turn was the keeping Waltermann in front but the river was the
awarding the pot the Geshkenbein and presumably eliminating Waltermann. However, Waltermann disputed the fact that he called off his last 4,000 chips and thought Geshkenbein had simply called his raise to 26,000. At this point the floor was called.
After going through the entire hand piece by piece it was ruled that Geshkenbein only called Waltermann's raise, much to the annoyance of the majority of the table who thought Waltermann should have been sent packing.
Although not exactly happy about this, Geshkenbein accepted it and joked to Waltermann that "the comeback starts here!" A very red-faced Waltermann simply nodded in agreement.