2012 World Series of Poker: Fifty Shades of Grey

There has been a lot of talk about Bloutfits, Whioutfits, and Redoutfits, but we've all let the Groutfits slip under the radar over the past few days.
That's why it was to our surprise that we found not one, not two, but four Groutfits playing in the $50,000 Poker Player's Championship. Among them were Gus Hansen, Nick Schulman, and Viktor "Isildur1" Blom. We've decided to take a walk back through memory lane and give grades to all the past, and present Groutfits starting with our very first sighting, Tom Marchese.
Tom Marchese

Marchese gains extra points for having matching grey headphones, because if you're going to go all out, you might as well go all the way. Unfortunately for Marchese, he also lost some points for having black pant zippers. Come on buddy, you gotta do better than that if you're gonna go all gray.
Final Grade: B-
Gus Hansen

Next up is Gus Hansen, who gets extra points for taking a nap on the floor the other day. We've got to give Hansen even more credit for having such a stylish nylon hood, and for being brave enough to wear track pants into the Rio. But we have to take a few points away for having a big green patch on the back of his sweater taking away that authentic Groutfit look.
Final Grade: A-
Viktor Blom

Up next is Viktor Blom, who was almost disqualified for his stone washed jeans, but they were dark enough so that we had to give him credit. That being said, this isn't the first time Blom's been dinked for fashion no-nos, we caught him playing in the $10,000 Heads-up Event with his pants basically down around his ankles. We'll give him some extra points for finding a belt today.
Final Grade: C+
Bryn Kenney

We also found Bryn Kenney wearing one of the most stylish Groutfits that we've seen so far this series. Kenny gets massive crowd appeal for being able to pull off inside out cutoff sweats. How often do you see that happen? He loses a few points for the baby blue slippers, but we'll cut him some slack and give him the benefit of the doubt.
Final Grade: A
Nick Schulman

Nick Schulman gets style points for being extra comfy at the table. Schulman, who looks like he might be about ready to take a Gus Hansen style nap at the table, loses a lot of points for wearing two different shades of grey. Come on man, if you're going to wear grey on grey, you can at least wear the same shade of grey.
Final Grade: D-
Phil Ivey

Finally, we have the man himself, Phil Ivey, and we'd be crazy to give him any other grade.
Final Grade: A+