Did You Miss the PokerNews Facebook Q+A with Maria Ho? Relive it Here!

On Wednesday, PokerNews hosted a Facebook Q+A with Maria Ho. Just as we expected, it was awesome! For more than thirty minutes Maria brushed through dozens of questions from fans, offering up her best advice on poker, tips to unwind from tournaments or ways to prep for them, stories of her travels around the world, and much more.
If you missed the event, you can read some of our favorite responses below, and then head to our Facebook page to check out the full Q+A.
Which do you want more, the bracelets or the money? �C Raphael Chee
Maria: I want the bracelet! When I came in 2nd in 2011 in the 5K no-limit Hold��em bracelet event I was asked the same question and I felt very strongly then as I do now that having a bracelet is priceless to me. After I win my first one though it will be all about the money.
What are your top three strengths and top three weaknesses? �C Jeff Matthews
Poker-wise, my top three strengths would be: I��m not easily tilted, I have great emotional control, I have patience and am hard-working. My three weaknesses are: I don��t have high mental stamina; I lack very high level of focus, and am too empathetic because I feel bad when I beat someone out of the pot.
What is your motto? What makes you motivated each day? �C Christina
My motto is to be kind. I think it is important to treat everyone you encounter with love and respect and to laugh out loud always. Wanting to better myself every day motivates me in trying to become the best version of me I can be. I am also motivated by the idea that I have a bigger purpose in life and that is to help those around me.
In light of Sheldon Adelson��s view of online poker, will you be playing any Venetian Deepstacks? �C Toby Castro
I will not be playing and patronizing the Venetian in any way. I find Sheldon Adelson to be completely motivated by greed and it is disgusting what he is trying to do to stifle the poker economy.
What type of poker player threatens you at a tournament table? �C Stephen Hughes
The type of player that threatens me is the player who isn��t afraid to risk their tournament life and put you to the test in any given situation. A person with nothing to lost is a dangerous one.
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