Johnny Chan jumps into the poker book fray

The legendary Johnny Chan has joined the likes of Doyle, Phil H, and many other top poker pros by releasing a strategy book of his own.
"Play poker like Johnny Chan ? Book One: Casino Poker" is 240 pages of knowledge from this nine time WSOP bracelet winner. Co-Authored by Mark Karowe, this book provides insight from the great Chan on the most commonly played types of poker.
Certainly qualified to speak on any type of card game, possibly the most impressive thing about Chan is he has WSOP bracelets in five different WSOP events (No Limit HE, Limit HE, Pot Limit Omaha, deuce to seven draw, and Seven Card Stud ? Hey Johnny, where's the Razz bracelet???). There is no higher form of flattery than the respect of your peers, and the back cover of this book has quotes from Doyle Brunson, Chip Reese, and Phil Hellmuth all singling Chan out as the best or toughest opponent they have ever played against.
The book is written in a first person, spoken word kind of way. The reader actually feels like Chan is talking to them, and imparting some of his vast knowledge. The book goes back and forth between strategy discussions, and specific hand examples, the hand examples offering specific advice after each street. One interesting thing to note about the book is that the hands examples are dynamic, meaning the advice offered often will consider two or three different options. For example, Chan has gone over a NLHE hand, and on the river he will give strategy advice with three different river cards ("If the Jack of Spades comes off, consider this action, but if a Queen comes off, consider this action?if the river is a blank, consider this?Etc).
Advanced players should note that this book seems to be focused toward the beginning player, but I doubt there is anyone out there who couldn't take something away from this book?if nothing else maybe you will learn something about how to play Chan should you ever be lucky (??) enough to be at his table!
This book is available in bookstores later this year, or at now. You can order the book, and find out much more, including reading selected sections of the book by going to