Party Poker, The Place To Be This Easter

Online poker giants Party Poker have announced some extra promotions for this Easter time.
Regular Party Poker players will already be aware of the Players Club, where accumulating points during your play entitles you to PartyPoker benefits like tournament entries and merchandise. This Easter, Party Poker are upgrading players who have earned 15,000 points or more to SILVER status, or for more than 50,000 points to GOLD status. SILVER and GOLD players can then cash out 50% of their points if they wish, on Sunday April 3rd. Points are worth:
0.2 cents for each SILVER point
0.3 cents for each GOLD point
Party Poker's Easter Bonanza starts on March 24th and runs until March 28th (3pm - 12AM EST). Players can earn a handsome cash bonus for playing on real money tables and in raked hands during this time. Be amongst the top 150 players and you can earn a bonus $200. This could mean an extra $1,000 for players who play for each of the five days of the promotion.
WSOP satellites are about to be launched at Party Poker too. These are certainly exciting times to be a Party Poker player.
Remember to read our full review of Party Poker and learn how you can get an extra $100 on your first deposit.