Paradise Poker Introduce Blackjack

Leading online poker giants, Paradise Poker, have introduced a blackjack to their games line-up.
Most poker players have tried or at least noticed blackjack at one time or another. The popular casino game is now available at Paradise Poker.
All players can join in the action via the blackjack link in the Paradise Poker lobby, the game is very easy to understand and simple to play. Paradise Poker's website has a comprehensive set of rules for the game, aswell as an extremely useful strategy card which details where you should fold, hit, double or split to make the most of the odds and your money.
This is just one of the many unique features at Paradise Poker which is attracting online players around the world.
Paradise Poker is part of Sporting Bet PLC, a trusted company on the UK stock market.
Read our full review of Paradise Poker here and learn how you can get an extra $100 by signing up through Poker News.