A note from PokerNews - read this if you like money

Hello PokerNews reader -
This Saturday, September 24th at 6pm Eastern Standard time (11pm GMT), we are having another in our series of $5,000 freeroll tournaments. This week, the fine folks at Noble Poker went out of their way to continue to bring you this high value tournament, as we constantly tell all the online rooms how important we think it is to provide great value for our readers. I sincerely hope that you will consider signing up for Noble Poker, and participating in these monthly freeroll tournies. Remember these freerolls are exclusive to PokerNews readers - so you won't be playing against 973 other players to try to win $12. One player, Matty82, has actually made over $2,000 playing in these freerolls monthly at Noble.
That's right - I said monthly. But, I am so convinced that this is the best thing that we can provide you - the loyal PokerNews readers, that I have gone out onto a limb, and secured other deals so that you can play in a $5,000 freeroll tournament...every week
Over the course of the next week or so, we will announce a couple more monthly freerolls, and between the freerolls that Noble, and our fantastic new partner Titan Poker have added (by the way, if you haven't - sign up for Titan, as they will be doing a $5k a month freeroll monthly, and they are new - so the field will be really small for the first couple freerolls they host).
I think by this time next week, you will be able to play in one $5,000 freeroll a week, courtesy of your friends at PokerNews.com Every time you come to the site, please check out the freerolls section in the top right of the home page, as we will be adding new freerolls every week.
I really believe in this concept, and I hope you find it productive. If you have any comments, leave them in the space below.
Thanks for reading, and thanks for supporting PokerNews.com
John Caldwell