Poker News Briefs, June 25th, 2009

Oral Hearings in July for iMEGA UIGEA Challenge
Oral arguments have been scheduled for July 7th, 2009, in the Interactive Media Entertainment and Gaming Association��s ongoing challenge to the Unlawful Internet Gambling Enforcement Act (UIGEA). The U.S. Third Circuit Court of Appeals announced the date when iMEGA and U.S. government lawyers will argue the merits of the UIGEA, which iMEGA seeks to have declared unconstitutional. The three-judge panel for the hearing in Philadelphia has also been announce, consisting of Carter appointee Korman Sloviter, Clinton appointee Thomas L. Ambro, and George W. Bush appointee Kent A. Jordan .
Eastgate to Donate Eco-Green Poker Table for Charity
The ecology-friendly poker table that Peter Eastgate won last year to go along with his WSOP Main Event title will be making a return trip to the Rio �C this time, Eastgate will donate the table manufactured by EGM Greens during this year��s ��Poker Palooza�� at the World Series of Poker. The table will go to the winner of a silent auction conducted at EGM��s booth during the July 2-5, 2009 Poker Palooza, which is the world��s largest assemblage of poker-lifestyle products and services. Funds from the auction will go to a yet-to-be-announced charity designated by Eastgate.
BetOnSports Defendants Plead Guilty
Two more defendants have pled guilty in the United States�� long-running case against executives and employees of BetOnSports. In the latest developments, Neil Scott Kaplan and Lori Beth Kaplan-Multz, siblings of BOS founder Gary Kaplan, and Penelope Tucker, Gary Kaplan��s personal assistant, each agreed to large cash forfeitures. Neil Kaplan will serve two months in a halfway house followed by eight months of house arrest, with Kaplan-Multz accepting a nearly identical two to four months in a halfway house followed by six to eight months of house arrest. Tucker received one year��s probation.