��route666�� Rolls to Victory in PokerStars Super Tuesday

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The PokerStars Super Tuesday drew a crowd of 394 this week, with a first-place payday of $76,239 up for grabs. Noteworthy finishes falling shy of the final table included tysonduke23 in 11th ($5,910), Dan ��WiLDmAn75�� Buzgon in 13th ($4,925), Thayer ��THAY3R�� Rasmussen in 17th ($3,940), and Ronald ��ronaldgrauer�� Grauer in 18th ($3,940). At the end, route666 was the last player standing to take down the tournament and the five-figure prize money. The chip counts at the start of the final table were as follows:

Ozenc ��ozenc�� Demir - 288,407
Daniel ��Allanon85�� Drescher - 210,552
Greg ��In a Gang�� Hyman - 193,333
Todd ��tbt4653�� Terry - 129,192
route666 - 99,665
Joseph ��bigegypt�� Elpayaa - 82,900
Amir ��AmirSF�� Lehavot - 68,771
Jason ��JasonGray�� Gray - 58,797
acesover333 - 50,383

Joseph ��bigegypt�� Elpayaa busted on the first hand of the final table at 1,500/3,000/300. Ozenc ��ozenc�� Demir raised to 7,575 in early position and Daniel ��Allanon85�� Drescher made the call from middle position. Elpayaa reraised to 20,600 from the cutoff and action folded back around to Drescher, who shoved all in with the bigger stack. Elpayaa called all in for 62,000 with K?K? and was leading Drescher��s A?K?. However, the board ran out 5?7?5?A?10? and Joseph ��bigegypt�� Elpayaa was eliminated in ninth place for $6,895.

A few hands later, acesover333 bit the dust at 2,000/4,000/400. In middle position, acesover333 made it 11,222 to go and Ozenc Demir popped it to 28,000 on the button. A call from acesover333 led to the flop of A?10?8?. The action was on acesover333, who moved all in for 33,962. Demir called with Q?Q? and was leading acesover333��s J?J?. The turn and river were bricks for acesover333, out in eighth place for $9,456.

Jason Gray reported to the rail after getting it all in preflop with A?K? against route666��s K?K?. The board came 8?J?2?3?K? as Gray finished in seventh place for $13,396. Greg ��In a Gang�� Hyman was felted by Daniel ��Allanon85�� Drescher. Under the gun, Drescher raised to 8,999 and Hyman shipped it in for 120,600 on the button with 6?6?. Drescher called with A?Q? and won the race as the board ran out K?10?A?3?9?. Greg ��In a Gang�� Hyman took sixth place for $17,336.

Todd ��tbt4653�� Terry fell at the 3,000/6,000/600 level. On the button, Terry pushed all in for his last 44,326 with J?8? and found action from Ozenc Demir with 2?2?. The board came down 10?3?4?5?A? and Terry��s tournament was over in fifth place for $22,458. Amir ��AmirSF�� Lehavot was also on the losing end of a coinflip. He was all in for 119,730 with 3?3? against Daniel Drescher��s A?J?. The board rolled out A?J?9?2?8? and Lehavot was flushed out in fourth place for $32,505.

Ozenc ��ozenc�� Demir was eliminated in third place at 4,000/8,000/8000 by route666. A limped pot between the two led to the A?8?K? flop. Route666 bet 16,000 and Demir called as the 3? landed on the turn. Route666 bet 32,000 and Demir moved all in for 127,999. After a moment, route666 made the call with K?J? and was leading Demir��s 9?8?. The river was the 3? and Ozenc ��ozenc�� Demir was out in third place for $43,340. The chip counts at the start of heads-up play were:

route666: 948,370
Daniel ��Allanon85�� Drescher: 233,630

It did not take long for route666 to close out the match. Drescher min-raised on the button and route666 made the call. The flop fell 7?6?5? and route666 checked to Drescher, who bet 16,000, prompting a check-raise to 48,000 from route666. Drescher shoved all in for 198,706 and route666 insta-called with 7?6?, well ahead of Drescher��s Q?9?. The turn and river came 10? and 3? and Daniel ��Allanon85�� Drescher finished as the runner up, earning $57,130. The winner of the PokerStars Super Tuesday was route666 for $76,239.

Final Results:

1. route666 - $76,239
2. Daniel ��Allanon85�� Drescher - $57,130
3. Ozenc ��ozenc�� Demir - $43,340
4. Amir ��AmirSF�� Lehavot - $32,505
5. Todd ��tbt4653�� Terry - $22,458
6. Greg ��In a Gang�� Hyman �C $17,336
7. Jason ��JasonGray�� Gray - $13,396
8. acesover333 - $9,456
9. Joseph ��bigegypt�� Elpayaa - $6,895

¡®route666¡¯ Rolls to Victory in PokerStars Super Tuesday 101
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