Around the World with Lynn Gilmartin: #winning

While we��re in the midst of the Charlie Sheen amazingness that��s happening all over Twitter right now, I decided to continue with my theme of positive thinking (now #winning) after last week��s No More FML blog.
Last Tuesday morning, Sheen was a Twitter virgin, until he registered @charliesheen and sent his inaugural tweet: ��Winning��!�� that afternoon. Within less than two days, Sheen had amassed well over the celebrity stamp of one million followers and started the giant #winning and #tigerblood craze.
Charlie Sheen is the loosest cannonball I��ve come across in a long time, but am I crazy to think that some of the original things he said (pre ��Sheen's Korner��) was semi-inspirational? He��s obviously not in a healthy place right now, but on the flipside he brought an amazing amount of positive attitudes to Twitter, one of the most commonly used outlets for frustration and bad beats in the poker world. On March 2, it was such a nice feeling to check my Twitter feed and read why everyone was #winning in life.
So here I go on my anti-FML rant again. One of the easiest ways to pull your mind from a negative thought to a positive one is to think about what you��re thankful for. Even the simplest of things that we take for granted, like the two eyes you��re using to read this article right now. If you lost them, you would focus daily on how much you appreciated them. The U.S. and Canada have an entire holiday surrounding this notion but why wait until that one day of the year to really think about what we��re thankful for? We should be thankful every day, and now, thanks to the Charlie Sheen phenomenon last week, we have been without even realizing it. People all around the world are tweeting about why they��re #winning and, well... RT @charliesheen: Face it folks, you just feel better when you say it. #WINNING
Over the past week, my feed has been loaded with #winning poker stories, which has been a lot more refreshing than the two-outer #FMLs, so for a a feel-good blog I thought I would share some of my favorite #winning tweets so far.
David Williams obviously loved this concept so much that he had a t-shirt made for the NBC National Heads-Up Championship, unfortunately it didn��t work for him though �� he lost in the first round to Emmitt Smith.

How many times have you seen a tweet that made you ��LOL�� and you��ve gone to ��like�� it, realizing you��re getting your social media all mixed up? Comedian Dane Cook came up with the perfect solution.
RT @danecook: Twitter doesn't need a LIKE button it needs a WINNING button.
We all know that Asian Spa likes to stir up the pot, but much to Spa��s disagreement, Shaun Deeb believes he��s been outspoken.
RT @shaundeeb: you aren't the truth speaker @asianspa unless you're @charliesheen
Mike Matusow couldn��t have put Erik Seidel's recent success more perfectly.
RT @themouthmatusow: sorry @charliesheen your #notwinning @Erik_Seidel is f***ing #winning
Eric Baldwin's recent tweet may not have had any official #winning connection apart from that in my own head, but this tweet #wins so much I just had to include it here for a laugh.
RT @basebaldy: Awkward moment: walking to sink in Wynn bathroom, guy is lifting his shirt and flexing abs in mirror. Realizes he's not alone. Eye contact.
I was happy to see that Lee Childs is on the positive-thinking-helps-with-poker bandwagon:
RT @leechilds: Winning flips now. Watch out! I think watching all this Charlie Sheen stuff has helped me with the #winning
@TommyVedes has actually gone as far as changing his Twitter name to Tiger Blood, and much to my disappointment, @back2backflack, quite possibly poker��s very own version of Charlie Sheen, had nothing for me. Although Jean-Robert Bellande seems to be holding his own on the Sheen ranks, surrounding himself with hot women.

As for Biebs, I don��t think the young kid quite gets the concept?
RT @justinbieber: jet lag #winning
Finally, here are some wise words from your favorite one-stop-shop of all things poker:
RT @PokerNews: Follow our video girls @GloriaJoy @LynnGilmartin @KristyArnett @SarahGrantPoker @LauraMCornelius @NicholeJP and you'll be #winning
If you have any awesome #winning tweets then please share them below, but for now I will leave you with Kristy Arnett's own version of #notwinning with the help of some brilliant composure from Randall Flowers.
To keep up-to-date with all that is poker, be sure to follow @PokerNews on Twitter.