The Online Railbird Report: "longerpig" Wins $710K, Sahamies Drops $445K

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Ilari "Ilari FIN" Sahamies

The online high-stakes cash games at PokerStars have certainly picked up lately. Last week, ��Phisherman36�� lost a staggering $775K, while Ilari ��Ilari FIN�� Sahamies won a healthy $492K. Phisherman36 was nowhere to be found late in the week, and Sahamies likely wishes he��d stayed away because he lost almost all his hard-earned winnings.

It took Sahamies just 1,724 hands spread across 39 sessions to lose $445,365, enough to make him the week��s biggest loser. Close behind was ��kaju85,�� who played 6,061 hands across 57 sessions and dropped $428,034, most of which went to the week��s biggest winner, ��longerpig.��

It��s been awhile since we��ve seen anyone win more than $700,000, but that��s exactly what ��longerpig�� did this week, banking $710,798 in 14,109 hands across 126 sessions. That was quite a bit more than next biggest winner, Terje ��Terken89�� Augdal, who won $280,097 in 8,192 hands.

Here��s a look at some of the more interesting hands and story lines from the past week of online action:

The $200/$400 PLO Games Roll Into New Week

The big $200/$400 pot-limit Omaha games we told you about in last week��s Online Railbird Report rolled right on into the new week with a big game on Wednesday, July 18. ��Mickan1984�� and Jens ��Jeans89�� Kyll?nen emerged as the two biggest winners on that day, banking $160.6K and $117K, respectively.

Also involved in the action was Ilari ��Ilari FIN�� Sahamies, who had an up-and-down day but eventually finished just about even, and ��Phisherman36,�� who was the day��s biggest loser after dropping $337.5K.

In the biggest pot of the day, which happened at a six-handed table, action folded around to ��Phisherman36�� ($106,360.80) on the button and he raised to $1,200. ��Mickan1984�� ($46,151) made the call from the small blind, and Sahamies ($226,856.10) three-bet to $5,280 from the big blind. After the other two players called, the flop fell 10?K?10?. Action checked to ��Phisherman36,�� who bet $8,800. ��Mickan1984�� got out of the way, Sahamies made the call, and the 8? appeared on the turn.

Again Sahamies check-called a bet, this time $24,200, and the 3? was put out on the river. Sahamies checked for a third time, but quickly called when ��Phisherman36�� shoved his last $68,080.80. ��Phisherman36�� rolled over 3?6?9?10? for tens full of threes, but it was no good against Sahamies' 10?8?6?A? for a better full house. The $218,317 pot went to the Fin.

In the second biggest pot of the day, action was heads-up when ��Phisherman36�� ($188,068) raised to $1,160 on the button and then called when Sahamies ($79,984) made it $4,240 to go from the big blind. ��Phisherman36�� took the initiative and led out for $6,800 on the 2?10?4? flop, Sahamies called, and the K? came on the turn.

��Phisherman36�� kept the pressure on with a $17,800 bet, Sahamies called, and the Q? peeled off on the river. ��Phisherman36�� pushed out a bet of $57,838, which inspired Sahamies to call off with 5?A?J?9? for the nuts. ��Phisherman36�� showed 5?7?6?8? and watched the $159,966 pushed to his opponent.

In ��Mickan1984��s�� biggest hand, action was once again six-handed when action folded around to him on the button. He promptly called $400, Sahamies ($284,266.71) raised to $2,080 from the small blind, and the big blind got out of the way. A call was made and it was heads-up action to the A?9?4? flop, which saw Sahamies bet $4,000 and ��mickan1984�� raise to $12,000. Sahamies pushed back to the tune of $41,035, ��mickan1984" called, and it was off to the 5? turn. This time Sahamies slowed down with a check and then ended up conceding the $87,105 in the pot when ��mickan1984�� shoved for $86,516.

Augdal Books a Win; Sahamies Slides in Thursday Action

On Thursday, July 19, Terje ��Terken89�� Augdal finished as the day��s biggest winner with $189K in profit, a welcomed win after having lost more than $500K the week before. The Norwegian pro��s win came in just 215 hands at $200/$400 PLO, while the day��s biggest loser, Ilari ��Ilari FIN�� Sahamies, dropped $329K in 429 hands.

In the day��s biggest hand, action was three-handed when Augdal ($67,365) opened for $800 on the button and then called a three-bet to $2,600 from Sahamies ($46,665) in the big blind. When the flop came down 9?Q?7?, Sahamies led out for $4,000, Augdal raised to $17,395, and the Fin made the call, bringing about the 6? turn. Sahamies proceeded to ship his last $26,670 and Augdal called.



Sahamies held the nuts when the money went in, but the Q? spiked on the river to give Augdal a full house and the $93,525 pot.

In another notable hand, action was three-handed when Augdal ($51,394.40) opened for $800 on the button only to have Sahamies ($34,123) three-bet to $2,800 from the small blind. ��GVOZDIKA55�� ($12,000) made the call from the big, Augdal put in $2,000 more, and everyone saw the 7?3?10? flop.

Sahamies was first to act and led out for $8,395, ��GVOZDIKA55�� moved all in for $9,200, and Augdal three-bet to $44,390. Sahamies called off his remaining $22,928 and the cards were turned up.



Everyone had flopped a pair and some sort of straight draw, but it��d be the 5? turn that gave Augdal the nuts. The A? river didn��t change anything and Augdal was pushed the $80,241 pot.

��EireAbu�� Back Up Over $3 Million for 2012

Sunday saw ��EireAbu�� continue his winnings ways with a $154K win, enough to make him the day��s biggest winner and lift him back up to $3.1 million in yearly winnings. What makes that number especially impressive is that the highest stakes he��s played all year has been $50/$100 PLO.

With that said, it was at the $25/$50 tables that he faced off against Rui ��PepperoniF�� Cao and Sander ��Berndsen12�� Berndsen in heads-up matches. In the first, ��EireAbu�� played 1,150 hands over 90 minutes and took $96K from Cao. Against the second match, ��EireAbu�� added another $50K to his profits in an hour.

In the biggest hand of the day, ��EireAbu�� ($52,961.75) raised to $300 on the button only to have Berndsen ($30,474) three-bet to $940. ��EireAbu�� responded with a four-bet to $2,860, Berndsen called, and the flop fell 6?2?7?. Berndsen checked, ��EireAbu�� bet $3,200, Berndsen check-raised to $15,358, and ��EireAbu�� three-bet $44,901.94. Berndsen called off his remaining $12,256, creating a $60,946 pot, and the cards were turned up:



��EireAbu�� had flopped two pair but needed to dodge Berndsen��s various draws. The J? turn was of no consequence, and neither was the 10? river. Berndsen went on to lose $51.9K on the day, still behind Cao's $96.3K loss.

��longerpig�� Dismantels ��kaju85�� to the Tune of $444K

After finishing as Monday��s biggest winner with a $144.3K win, ��longerpig�� was back at it on Wednesday when he took on ��kaju85�� at $50/$100 PLO. The two played nearly 4,000 hands and to say it went ��longerpig��s�� way would be an understatement because he maintained the lead throughout the eight-hour match.

When ��kaju85�� finally quit, he was down a monstrous $533K, a small portion of which went to a third party when the game briefly ran three- and four-handed. The win was ��longerpig's�� biggest ever on PokerStars. Here��s a look at his three biggest hands:

Hand #1: ��Longerpig�� ($51,390.19) raised to $250 on the button and then four-bet to $2,250 after ��kaju85�� ($63,290.26) had three-bet to $750. The action didn��t stop there as ��kaju85�� five-bet $6,750 and ��longerpig�� six-bet $20,250. After a call, the flop fell 6?Q?9?, and ��kaju85�� led out for $40,498. ��Longerpig�� called off his remaining $31,140.20, creating a $102,778 pot, and the cards were turned up:



The aces of ��longerpig�� had him out in front, which is where he stayed as the 3? appeared on the turn, followed by the 9? on the river.

Hand #2: Again ��longerpig�� ($82,170.53) was on the button and raised to $250, and again ��kaju85�� ($46,571.62) three-bet to $750. ��Longerpig's�� four-bet to $1,250 was met with a call, and the flop came down 4?Q?2?. ��Kaju85�� checked, ��longerpig�� bet $1,249, and ��kaju85�� check-raised to $6,245. ��Longerpig�� called and the K? fell on the turn. ��Kaju85�� checked to ��longerpig,�� who bet $14,988. ��Kaju85�� responded by moving all in for $39,076.62 and ��longerpig�� made the call.



��Kaju85�� had flopped two pair, but ��longerpig�� turned a set of kings and had the $93,141 pot locked up. The meaningless 10? was put out on the river and ��longerpig�� was pushed another pot.

Hand #3: This time it was ��kaju85�� ($39,019.26) who was on the button and he raised to $300, which ��longerpig�� ($155,515.10) three-bet to $900 from the big blind. From there, ��kaju85�� made it $2,700 to go and he then called ��longerpig's�� five-bet worth $8,100. The 2?8?K? appeared on the flop and ��longerpig�� led out for $16,198. He then called when ��kaju85�� moved all in for $30,969.27.



The 10? turn saw ��kaju85�� take the lead with two pair, but the J? river gave ��longerpig�� a bigger two pair and the $78,137 pot.

Biggest Weekly PokerStars Winners/Losers

Week��s biggest winners (7/19-7/26): ��longerpig�� (+$710,798), Terje ��Terken89�� Augdal (+$280,097), ��sat1337en�� (+$238,852), ��EireAbu�� (+$232,732)

Week��s biggest losers: Ilari ��Ilari FIN�� Sahamies (-$445,365), ��kaju85�� (-$428,034), ��thecorster�� (-$273,553)

Year-to-date winners: ��EireAbu�� (+$3,332,752), Ben ��Sauce123�� Sulsky (+$2,170,528), ��bernard-bb�� (+$1,441,943), Jens ��Jeans89�� Kyll?nen (+$1,367,726), Alex ��Kanu7�� Millar (+$1,256,698)

Year-to-date losers: ��Zypherin�� (-$2,708,561), Viktor ��Isildur1�� Blom (-$1,541,010), Benny ��toweliestar�� Spindler (-$862,942), ��1Il|1Il|1il|�� (-$759,718), Gavin ��gavz101�� Cochrane (-$653,514), ��VietRussian�� (-$562,061)

Data and hands obtained from

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