Meet PokerStars World Championship of Online Poker Host Kevin "WizardOfAhhs" Thurman

Name: Kevin Thurman
PokerStars screen name: WizardOfAhhs
Resides: Canada
Game specialty: High-stakes no-limit hold'em cap cash games
Kevin Thurman started playing poker on PokerStars with a $500 deposit. He went on a massive heater and has played as a full-time pro ever since, turning his life around in the process. He has won millions of dollars in cash games during the past few years, and in 2010 set a record for the most number of VIP Player Points (VPPs) earned in the history of the PokerStars VIP Club �� an achievement made all the more impressive by the fact that he was suffering from an agonizing disease at the time, undergoing chemotherapy treatment. He also has one of the coolest poker setups we have ever seen.
Learn more about Kevin by reading his blog or following him on twitter @Wizard0fAhhs.
What is your favorite type of poker game?
No-limit hold'em cap games (20 big blinds).
What tournament formats do you prefer?
Slow and deep. Ironically, the opposite of what I prefer in a cash game.
What is your biggest online tournament win?
I finished seventh in the Sunday Million on Aug. 12, 2012, for $27,588.00
How did you get to be a member of Team Online?
I earned the most VPPs in the history of the VIP program over the course of a year, and within a month, I was contacted by Team Online.
What is your biggest ambition in poker?
I want to achieve an everlasting stress-free approach to the game. Regardless of whether I'm winning or losing at the tables, I want to remain completely at peace and always thankful that I've been able to make a good living at this game.
Who is your best friend in poker?
Eric "ETPoker" Turner. We��ve been friends for over 20 years. We were roommates in college, and both quit our previous full-time jobs in the corporate world around a decade ago to pursue careers as professional poker players.
Who, of your opponents, do you respect the most?
"Trueteller." He's currently the most accomplished high-stakes cap player.
If you weren��t playing poker what would you be doing?
Helping people achieve a healthier and happier lifestyle in some way. It's something I'm still very interested in doing while I continue my career in poker.
How did you pick your screen name?
It's from an old pin-back button I wore around the house as a kid almost three decades ago. I thought it would make a good screen name, and I still have the button on my desk today.
Give us some tips on improving in tournaments.
Patience early, aggression later, maniac in the money.