GPL Results, Standings, and Schedule After Summer Series Heat II: Nishijima, Lew, Holz Earn Sweeps

4 min read
Global Poker League

Welcome to the weekly rundown of the Global Poker League here on PokerNews. In this space, all of the past week's results from the GPL will be listed, followed by league standings and a look at the following week's schedule.

As seen on Poker Central, on Friday the league completed another round's worth of six heads-up matches in "The Cube." Each "Summer Series Heat" lasting through early July features interconference battles between Americas Conference teams and those representing the Eurasia Conference.

The previous week's Summer Series Heat I was dominated by the Americas Conference who enjoyed a clean sweep, winning all six matches. Summer Series Heat II began in a similar fashion, with Americas Conference teams getting off to a strong start by winning the first three matches before Eurasia managed to take two of the next three.

PokerNews strategy contributor Jonathan Little of the Las Vegas Moneymakers kicked things off in Heat II last Sunday by winning two of three games versus Mike Leah representing the Paris Aviators. Then the Montreal Nationals' Marc-Andre Ladouceur did the same versus Igor Yaroshevsky of the Moscow Wolverines, taking two of their three games.

On Tuesday Thiago Nishijima of the Sao Paulo Metropolitans kept the steak going, sweeping three games in a row from Justin Bonomo of the London Royals. Finally on Wednesday in the week's fourth match, Randy Lew of the Hong Kong Stars put an end to the streak by winning all three of his games versus Jason Wheeler of the New York Rounders.

On just the second hand between the pair, Lew was holding 10?9? when he called a preflop three-bet from Wheeler who had A?10?. The flop then came J?7?Q?, giving Lew a flush and Wheeler the nut-flush draw. Lew called Wheeler's continuation bet, then called another bet from Wheeler after the 6? turn. The Q? river didn't help Wheeler, but he went all in and Lew found the call to end the game. The second game lasted longer (71 hands), but the third was a quick 13-hand one as well to give the Stars and Eurasia a much needed win.

Things swung back the Americas Conference's way in Thursday's match, however, as brand new Global Poker Index leader Fedor Holz of the L.A. Sunset swept the Berlin Bears' Sorel Mizzi. But Timothy Adams of the Rome Emperors was able to get another win for Eurasia in yesterday's final Heat II match, taking two of three games versus Phil Galfond of the San Francisco Rush.

Heading into Summer Series Heat III, the Montreal Nationals kept their lead in the Americas Conference, while the London Royals and Hong Kong Stars were both tied at the top as Lew's Heat II win helped Hong Kong reach the 100-point plateau.

However late Friday afternoon an initial Heat III match took place in which the Moscow Wolverines' Anatoly Filatov took two of three games from Jonathan Little who made a return trip to the Cube for the Las Vegas Moneymakers. Those six points nudged Moscow ahead of London and Hong Kong to lead the Eurasia Conference at the moment, but there are still almost a week's worth of matches left to go in Heat III, including matches involving both London and Hong Kong.

Here are the full results from GPL Summer Series Heat II, with the standings heading into Heat III (and not counting that first match) listed down below:

Summer Series Heat II Results

Match 87Heads-Up  
Jonathan LittleLas Vegas Moneymakers26
Mike LeahParis Aviators13
Match 88Heads-Up  
Marc-Andre LadouceurMontreal Nationals26
Igor YaroshevskyMoscow Wolverines13
Match 89Heads-Up  
Thiago NishijimaSao Paulo Metropolitans39
Justin BonomoLondon Royals00
Match 90Heads-Up  
Randy LewHong Kong Stars39
Jason WheelerNew York Rounders00
Match 91Heads-Up  
Fedor HolzL.A. Sunset39
Sorel MizziBerlin Bears00
Match 92Heads-Up  
Timothy AdamsRome Emperors26
Phil GalfondSan Francisco Rush13


Americas Conference   
1Montreal Nationals12112
2L.A. Sunset11010
3Sao Paulo Metropolitans1008
4New York Rounders938
5San Francisco Rush787
6Las Vegas Moneymakers775
Eurasia Conference   
1-tieLondon Royals10010
1-tieHong Kong Stars1007
3Moscow Wolverines988
4Paris Aviators929
5Berlin Bears744
6Rome Emperors724

This Week's Schedule (Summer Series Heat III)

DateTime (ET)Match
June 174:30 p.m.Moscow Wolverines vs. Las Vegas Moneymakers*
June 192 p.m.London Royals vs. Montreal Nationals
June 194:30 p.m.Hong Kong Stars vs. Sao Paulo Metropolitans
June 202 p.m.New York Rounders vs. Berlin Bears
June 212 p.m.L.A. Sunset vs. Rome Emperors
June 222 p.m.San Francisco Rush vs. Paris Aviators

*Won by Moscow's Anatoly Filatov over Las Vegas' Jonathan Little (2 games to 1)

To watch Global Poker League matches, head over to Poker Central where each and every match can be watched live. Check out as well the official GPL website for full season's results, statistics, match replays, and more.

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