Tweet, Tweet, Bad Beat: The Social Shots Heard Round the World

7 min read
Tweet Tweet Bad Beat Social Shot

This week, poker got political, laughable, and typical. Poker players lived it up this week.

The real MVPs

You, sir, have won social media.

If you order something named after you, are you consuming yourself?

The poker connection. #selfpromotion #thanksunited

A photo of a photo of a photo.

Hey! Tom Cruise! #topgun

The usual.

When my cards start talking to me, I usually start with not consuming alcohol.

��Screw you guys, I hate high school.�� I really wished he would��ve tried to make it his own middle finger instead of wrapping his arm around one.


Ducky is scary.

Shiny. Sparkly. Well played.


Playing Like There��s No Tomorrow

Moved from the basement to the outdoors. Upgrade!

A new trend at the tables.

Just like old times....

Keepin it real. Now everyone can meme this for their poker issues.

Standard just-got-on-a-plane look.

Can��t Touch This

Sooo is this dancing or was Hellmuth trying to show his arm span while Aoki asked for world peace��I don��t get it. #soarin #flyin

Victory pose, I mean, post.

It just seems like something is missing from this photo��#awk

This is yet another post where there is just something weird about it. Maybe it��s the matching.


More folks living that life of luxury.

Too cool for school.

Rocky theme song. Go.

I love when people take pictures of themselves and then comment on the view.

Lead images courtesy of Mohsin Charania, Sofia Lovgren, Rafael Moraes, Phil Hellmuth, Uncle Ron

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