PokerStars WCOOP Day 14: 'CROSA COLL' Wins 150K; Yu Exits In Fifth

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Matt Perrault
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PokerStars WCOOP Day 14: 'CROSA COLL' Wins 150K; Yu Exits In Fifth 0001

Day 14 of the World Championship of Online Poker (WCOOP) at PokerStars saw another eight champions named with three big buy-in events and five low buy-in events coming to completion.

One of the big winners of the day was "CROSA COLL", who won over $150,000 in the WCOOP-39-H: $1,050 NLHE [8-Max, Progressive KO, Thursday Thrill SE], $1M Gtd.

With a one million guarantee, the Thursday Thrill got a massive turnout with 1,470 players entering the tournament to create a prize pool of $1,470,000. After the dust was settled, 175 players made the money and Day 1 saw the tournament take a break after 24 levels of play with 85 players remaining.

The event needed a third day as Day 2 came to a conclusion one player shy of a final table. ��sousinha23�� held the chip lead with 17 million in chips while Ryan "i need sheet�� Yu finished the day sitting third in chips with 11.5 million.

Final Table Action Begins

The final table of nine players began with ��sousinha23�� as the chip leader sitting with almost 18.5 million. With five stacks hovering around the 4 million-chip mark, it was Timothy ��Vichyn88�� Harold who would be the first exit. Harold called the rest of his stack to the four-bet of Ryan ��i need sheet�� Yu who happened to have pocket kings against Harold��s pocket tens. The kings of Yu held and Harold existed in ninth place for $8,553 along with $14,609 in bounties gathered along the way.

��JacobLarsson�� ended up getting short and was down to just one million in chips when he shoved with A?J?. He was snap-called by Macovei ��FaceRolly�� Neculai who held A?A? and with the board running out A?J?10?6?9?, Neculai delivered the knockout and earned himself a $2,390 bounty in the process. ��JacobLarsson�� received $10,639 for the eighth-place finish along with an additional bounty bonus of $4,281 earned throughout the tournament.

��lbd.pkr�� got into the fighting spirit at the final table when he delivered a knockout to��Fiktenasch��. ��Fiktenasch�� was the table short stack and shoved their remaining stack of just over 2.5 million with A?10?. ��lbd.pkr�� woke up with pocket jacks and the jacks held to eliminate ��Fiktenasch�� in seventh place for $14,917. ��Fiktenasch�� also won $11,100 in bounties from the tournament.

A Pair of Canucks Exit

A very short stacked ��Kaila�� put their remaining 790,000 chips into the middle after ��CORSA COLL�� three-bet to 900,000 and ��lbd.pkr�� called. The two players with chips in front of them checked the pot down with the board reading K?Q?Q?9?3?. ��CORSACOLL�� flipped over K?7? for the best hand with two pair to eliminate the Canadian ��Kaila�� in sixth place for $20,913. ��Kaila�� also received $3,156 in bounties.

Ryan ��i need sheet�� Yu was the next to exit. He lost a massive pot that left him with just over 700,000 in chips when his J?J? couldn��t improve against the K?K? of Macovei ��FaceRolly�� Neculai. Yu was then eliminated the next hand by Neculai, finishing in fifth for $29,320 to go with the $11,541 in bounties that he won throughout the three days.

The Start Of Day Chip Leader Goes Down In Fourth

Seeking a second WCOOP title, ��sousinha23�� couldn��t get much going when it mattered and bled down to around 6.5 million in chips. With 3.5 million chips in the pot and the board reading 6?3?2?A?Q?, ��CROSSA COLL�� put in enough chips to cover the remaining 5.2 million of ��sousinha23�� and after a bit of a tank, ��sousinha23�� called to be at risk. ��sousinha23�� showed J?8? for a jack high flush, which he flopped, but ��CROSSA COLL�� showed A?A? for the rivered nut flush to scoop the pot and earn a $4,150 bounty. ��sousinha23�� earned $41,107 for the fourth-place finish along with $7,800 in bounties.

��CORSA COLL�� Earns a Third Final Table Bounty

Three handed play began with ��CORSA COLL�� as the overwhelming chip leader at 35 million, ��lbd.pkr�� was second with 22.9 million and Macovei ��FaceRolly�� Neculai was the short stack at 15.5 million. After a raise from ��CORSA COLL��, ��lbd.pkr�� made a stand with 4.6 million and shoved all in. ��CORSA COLL�� called and the cards were on their backs.

��CORSA COLL��: 8?7?
��lbd.pkr��: A?2?

��lbd.pkr�� was still in the lead after a flop of 10?10?2?. The 5? fell on the turn though to give ��CORSA COLL�� some more outs in the form of a heart flush draw. The river brought the A?, completing the flush for ��CORSA COLL�� and giving them a third bounty at the final table while bringing the tournament down to its final two entrants. ��ldb.pkr�� added $57,632 into their pockets to go along with the $14,994 in bounties they earned throughout.

Heads-Up Play

��CORSA COLL�� held an overwhelming chip lead when heads-up play began, sitting with 60.2 million to the 13.2 million of Macovei "FaceRolly" Neculai.

��CORSA COLL�� made short work of his opponent, only needing 13 hands to dispose of his Romanian counterpart. With the board reading 10?8?7?9?5? and just under nine million in the pot, ��CORSA COLL�� fired out a bet of 1.7 million. ��FaceRolly�� shoved all in for 8.6 million and ��CORSA COLL�� called. ��FaceRolly�� showed 10?9? for two pair but ��CORSA COLL�� showed J?9? for a flopped straight and collected the last pot of the tournament to win their first WCOOP title.

Macovei "FaceRolly" Neculai won $80,799 for his runner-up finish along with $21,755 in bounties while ��CORSA COLL�� collected $113,281 for the victory and an additional $67,722 in bounties.

WCOOP-39 Final Table Results

1CROSA COLL$113,281 + $67,722 in bounties
2Macovei ��FaceRolly�� Neculai$80,799 + $21,755 in bounties
3lbd.pkr$57,632 + $14,994 in bounties
4sousinha23$41,107 + $7,800 in bounties
5Ryan ��i need sheet�� Yu$29,320 + $11,541 in bounties
6Kaila$20,913 + $3,156 in bounties
7Fiktenasch$14,917 + $11,109 in bounties
8JacobLarsson$10,639 + $4,281 in bounties
9Timothy ��Vichyn88�� Harold$8,553 + $14,609 in bounties

Other WCOOP Highlights

  • Jerry ��hummylun�� Wong, coming off a win in WCOOP Event #10 made the final table of the WCOOP-31-H: $215 HORSE [Phase 2- HORSE], $200K Gtd. He came into the final table as the short stack and quickly bowed out in eighth place at the eight-handed final table when the eventual champion, ��Iteopepe88�� eliminated him.
  • Day 1 of the WCOOP-47-H: $2,100 NLHE [8-Max], $750K Gtd has come to a close with 61 of the 587 entries remaining. The prize pool reached a whopping $1,174,000 and the winner will take home $207,240 for the victory along with the honor of being a WCOOP champion. As the day came to a close, the chip leader was ��gnetaren�� who ran up their 50,000 chip starting stack to 1.4 million.

    Connor ��blanconegro�� Drinan ended the day with a top 10 chip stack bagging 747,179 while Ryan ��i need sheet�� Yu (491,320), Chris ��Big Huni�� Hunichen (472,753), and Ole ��wizowizo�� Schemion (258,830) are all still in contention at the conclusion of Day 1. Everyone coming back for Day 2 is guaranteed at least a $4,609 payday.

  • Day 1 of the WCOOP-46-H: $1,050 NLO8 [6-Max], $200K Gtd finished with just 12 players remaining from the 265 players who bought in. ��raare01�� finished the day as the chip leader holding 1,812,033 while Canadian Alex ��dynoalot�� Difelice is hot on his heels in third place. Difelice also final tabled the WCOOP-42-H: $1,050 NLHE/PLO [6-Max], $300K Gtd the same day, finishing in fifth place for $22,490.
  • "PSMozak" still leads the WCOOP leaderboard collecting another 55 points on the day to move to a total of 545 points. Russia��s ��ImluckNuts�� closed the gap with a fourth-place finish in the $1,050 NLHE/PLO event and sits with 510 points. Mike ��goleafsgoeh�� Leah moves into third place on that list with 435 points.

Day 14 WCOOP Winners

EventBuy-InPrize PoolChampionPrize
#39 NLHE-H Progressive Knockout$1,050$1,470CORSA COLL$100,188
#42 NLHE/PLO-H 6-Max$1,050$487,000plspaythxbye$86,409
#31 HORSE-H Phase 2$215$200,000Iteopepe88$41,098
#43 NLHE-L Zoom Rebuy$11141,180Stoqnov303$20,076
#41 NLHE-L$27$133,478beerwurst$18,982
#38 NLHE-L$11$93,140missdj2013$12,909
#31 HORSE-L Phase 2$11$75,000BustiJauli$11,484
#40 5 Card PLO-L 6-Max$27$66,702Kelvin_FP:AR$9,750

* denotes deal made at the final table

PokerNews will be recapping all of the action as it is played out during the 2017 WCOOP so check back for daily updates, news, and more.

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Matt Perrault

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