Off the Felt: Back to Normal Life

The 2018 World Series of Poker is over and our poker players are back to their normal life. Well, if normal life means traveling to Peru, as Kristen Bicknell did, or going out with Vivi Saliba and Maria Lampropulos. Let's see what the crews have been up to, shall we?
Gus is not done yet.
That baby is all of us.
Ingram met the Galfonds!
And now they're back to work.
These two celebrated #TequilaDay.
That sandwich tho.
Liv is climbing again. Surprise, surprise.
That's impressive, Ben.
Kristen went to Peru, and that looks pretty awesome.
Yeah, life's a bitch for sure, Steven.
So cute!
Beach mood.
Is he driving a boat? That looks dangerous af.