Brotha D Soaring!

Tom Grigg opened to 45,000 from the cutoff and Danny Silk bumped it to 130,000 from the button.
With the action on Danny 'Brotha D' Leaoasavaii, he double-fist slid three and a bit stacks of orange 5,000-denomination chips into the pot amounting to a raise of 370,000.
Grigg quickly mucked, as did Silk, to see Leaoasavaii's four-bet ensure him the collection of the pot as he moved to 1,680,000 in chips.
"You Aussie boys ey!" stated Leaoasavaii as both Silk and Grigg laughed.
"Cut it out!" added Leaoasavaii as Tamas Lendvai accused him of holding Kings.
"I had the kahunas!" responded Leaoasavaii.