Kenny Ng Doubles
Kenny Ng moved all-in for 6,275 from the cutoff after action folded to him. Ben Delaney, in the small blind, went into the tank for several minutes before moving all-in for around 18,000.
The big blind quickly mucked his hand and Ng tabled . Delaney quickly slammed down his and had Ng dominated. The flop fell and giving Ng the led.
The fell on the turn and when the landed on the river Ng let out a scream of "Boom-Shaka-Lakka" and gave Jim Ghobrial a high-five loud enough to echo all the way to the high-stakes area.
The pot sent Ng back over 12,000. After the hand, Delaney slumped into his chair and is now sitting well below average with 12,200 in chips.