Rheem runs bluff
David "Chino" Rheem is off to a bad start in his Round Two match against Eddy Sabat.
Preflop, Sabat called from the button and Rheem checked his option, before leading out for 100 on a flop of . Sabat raised to 300 and Rheem made the call. The turn of the fell and Rheem led for 600 with Sabat making the call.
The river landed the and Rheem splashed the pot with a 1,500-chip bet which put Sabat into the tank. After nearly two minutes Sabat eventually made the call and Rheem tabled but was no good against Sabat's .
As Sabat raked in the pot Emad Tahtouh commented, "Hey, its APT versus APPT." Rheem looked up and asked what Tahtouh meant. After explaining that Sabat was the APPT Macau champion Rheem responded with, "I wish I knew that before I bluffed 1,500 on the river!"