Rahme doubles through Khalil
Preflop, Reza Vakili opened to 1,200 from under the gun and got calls from Raymond Rahme and another player. The action then passed to Ali "The Peppermint Hippo" Khalil in the small blind who popped it up to 5,700. The South African player Rahme was the only player to call, going to the flop.
On a flop of Khalil fired 8,000 which Rahme smooth- called. On the turn Khalil thought he was setting the trap checking to Rahme who fired 11,000. Khalil then proceeded to move all in and Rahme confidently snap-called for less.
Rahme flipped over for a set of kings, leaving Khalil's drawing fairly thin. The river sealed the hand for the South African.
Khalil takes a large hit to 25,000. Rahme moves up to 70,000.