2011 Aussie Millions

Event #13: Australia Heads-Up Championship
Day: 1
Event Info

2011 Aussie Millions

Final Results
Winning Hand
130,000 AUD
Event Info
10,000 AUD

King Dan Makes Quarter-Finals

Dan Smith and Darren Woods had each won one game, and Smith had worked his way to a chip lead in the third when Woods raised to 325. Smith made it 2,900, enough to put Woods all in. Woods called with {a-Hearts}{q-Diamonds} and was in the lead against Smith's {9-Spades}{7-Spades}. At least he was in the lead until the flop came {9-Spades}{5-Spades}{2-Diamonds}. The {9-Hearts} turn sealed the deal for Dan, and Woods was packing up before the {8-Spades} river.

Smith will play Billy Jordanou in the quarter-finals. The winner of that match will move on to Friday's semi-finals and be guaranteed $40,000.

Tags: Dan SmithDarren Woods