Queensland Flood Relief . . . Do Your Part To Help The Cause!

If you've had a chance to take a look at the prizepool on the any of the Aussie Millions events, you will notice that every payout amount has some odd-change on the end of it.
$220, $120, $70 or $20, regardless of the exact amount, you may all be wondering why the staff here conducting the 2011 Aussie Millions have created the prizepool in this way, instead of the clean payouts tournaments have come to expect.
Well, Australia recently had a disastrous flood strike the north-eastern state of Queensland creating millions of dollars in damage, destroying thousands upon thousands of homes, and unfortunately seeing many lives lost.
Although the worst of the conditions may be behind us, the majority of Queenslanders and their communities have been completely devastated by this natural disaster.
With many people needing their whole lives rebuilt, people from around Australia and the world have been donating at will to help Queensland pick themselves up and get back on track once the water - that at points has risen over the two metre (close to ten feet) mark - decreases to a manageable level.
Consequently, Crown Casino is looking to do their part in the Queensland Flood Relief program and have placed collection tins at eighty locations throughout the complex - from the poker room, retail stores, restaurant and bars - with all funds being raised being directly donated to the Queensland Premier's Disaster Relief Appeal fund via the Salvation Army.
Here in the poker room, their hope is that when people cash out during the Aussie Millions, that they will donate the odd change of their payouts (and hopefully) more to the cause - and whatever is collected (from all the collection tins around the complex), Crown Casino will match dollar-for-dollar!
So even if the Queensland floods haven't directly affected you, please help by donating some change or a few big blinds to the cause, and if you can't get down to the Crown Casino during the Aussie Millions, information on how to donate to the Queensland Flood Relief can be found here.