Mitri Makes the Call

Kenta Ito opened to 20,000 in middle position and Gavin Ogilvy called in the cutoff. George Mitri announced a raise to 75,000 in the small blind, with Ito folding and Ogilvy making the call.
Mitri led out for 40,000 on the 2?K?4? flop, with Ogilvy calling to see the J? turn. Mitri slowed down with a check, and Ogilvy counted out a bet of 80,000.
Mitri called to the 10? river, where he checked once more. Ogilvy took some time before firing 160,000. Mitri made the call and Ogilvy flipped over 3?3? for a pair of threes. Mitri revealed A?K? for top pair, taking a good piece of Ogilvy's stack before the table broke.