2008 PokerStars.com EPT London

��5,200 EPT London Main Event
Day: 4
Event Info

2008 PokerStars.com EPT London

Final Results
Winning Hand
Event Info
Prize Pool
Level Info
60,000 / 120,000

Marcin Horecki Eliminated in 3rd Place (��303,439)

Marcin Horecki - 3rd Place
Marcin Horecki - 3rd Place
Marcin Horecki moved all in from the button, Michael Martin moved all in from the small blind and Michael Tureniec folded the big blind.

Horecki: {K-Hearts} {8-Diamonds}
Martin: {K-Spades} {J-Diamonds}

The flop was {Q-Spades} {6-Spades} {3-Clubs}, Martin still in the lead. The {8-Hearts}, though fell on the turn, lighting up Horecki's face as he paired his kicker. Just as Martin started cutting down his stack to pay off Horecki, the {J-Spades} fell on the river and Martin caught lightning in a bottle again to eliminate Horecki in dramatic suck/re-suck fashion.

Horecki will take home ��303,439 for his third-place finish.

Tags: Marcin HoreckiMichael Martin

Michael Martin Continues to Roll

Michael Martin just picked up two more pots after the flop.

Marcin Horecki limped in from the small blind and Martin checked his option in the big blind. Both players checked the {J-Spades} {7-Spades} {6-Diamonds} flop. The turn was the {4-Spades}. Horecki checked, Martin bet 100,000 and Horecki gave it up.

On the next hand Martin limped from the small blind and Tureniec checked from the big. The flop came down {10-Spades} {9-Diamonds} {3-Diamonds}. Martin led out for 120,000 and Tureniec called. The turn was the {2-Spades}. Martin fired a second bullet for 180,000 and got a fold.

Martin is now closing in on 4 million in chips.

Tags: Marcin HoreckiMichael MartinMichael Tureniec

Martin Wins With "The Brunson"

Marcin Horecki limped in from the small blind and Michael Martin checked his option from the big blind.

The flop was {A-Clubs} {10-Hearts} {3-Hearts} and both players checked. The turn was the {8-Clubs}. Horecki bet 130,000 and Martin called. The river was the {10-Spades}. Horecki slowed down and checked, Martin bet 260,000 and Horecki called.

Martin rolled over {10-Clubs} {2-Clubs} for trips, Horecki mucked and Martin took down another pot.

Tags: Marcin HoreckiMichael Martin

Eric Liu Eliminated in 4th Place (��234,920)

Eric Liu - 4th Place
Eric Liu - 4th Place
Eric Liu shoved all in for 1,500,000. Michael Martin insta-called.

Martin: {A-Clubs} {9-Spades}
Liu: {J-Spades} {10-Hearts}

The flop was {A-Hearts} {K-Spades} {5-Clubs} and Liu had a pair of aces but Martin picked up a Broadway straight redraw. The turn was the {A-Spades} and the river was the {7-Spades}. Martin won the pot with trip aces while Liu headed to the rail in fourth place.

"I made a few mistakes and that was due to my inexperience in tournaments," said Liu in an exit interview with EPT hostess Kara Scott.

Tags: Eric Liu

Michael Martin Doubles Again

Michael Tureniec opened for 240,000, Michael Martin moved all in for 300,000 and Tureniec called.

Martin: {9-Spades} {9-Clubs}
Tureniec: {K-Spades} {7-Clubs}

The flop was a brutal {K-Hearts} {J-Clubs} {7-Diamonds}, Tureniec flopping two pair. The turn was the {7-Spades}, boating up Tureniec and leaving Martin drawing to only two outs. Almost magically, the {9-Hearts} fell on the river to a roar of approval from Martin's supporters.

Martin is now on 700,000.

Tags: Michael MartinMichael Tureniec