2009 PokerStars.net EPT Kyiv

�5,000 EPT Kyiv Main Event
Day: 1b
Event Info

2009 PokerStars.net EPT Kyiv

Final Results
Winning Hand
Event Info
Prize Pool
Level Info
40,000 / 80,000

Drobyna Drubbed

Alexander Kostritsyn
Alexander Kostritsyn
We're not 100% clear about the preflop action, but from the way the table was set when we walked up, it appears that Alexander Kostritsyn opened with a late-position raise and was called by both blinds.

In any event, we pick up the live action as the dealer ran out a flop of {6-Diamonds} {2-Spades} {3-Spades}. The blinds checked, and Kostritsyn continued out with a bet of 1,300. Lev Khlyavich made the call from the small blind, but Denys Drobyna put in a check-raise to 5,000 from the big. Kostritsyn would think it over for a minute or two before three-betting to 11,800 total. That was enough to quickly fold Khlyavich, but Drobyna wasn't going anywhere. After some deep thought of his own, he moved all in for about 23,000. Kostritsyn instantly called with a similar stack.

Kostritsyn: {4-Clubs} {5-Clubs}
Drobyna: {3-Diamonds} {3-Clubs}

It's pretty brutal to flop a set and be drawing slim from behind, but that was exactly the case for the young German. He would need to pair the board to win, but the {K-Spades} and {Q-Hearts} that filled out the board did nothing to improve his plight. When the stacks were counted down, Kostritsyn had his man covered by just a few chips, sending him to the rail seconds before the power failure.

That win moves the Russian up close to 50,000 now.

Tags: Alexander KostritsynDenys Drobyna