Romanello Stacks 'Em High - Literally

Roberto Romanello has continued to add to his already ample stack by picking his spots well but also flopping sets helps a great deal too.
Ion Pavel opened the betting round with a raise from early position to 4,000 and both Joseph El Khoury in the cutoff and Romanello in the small blind made the call.
Romanello checked the flop, Pavel followed suit but El Khoury made it 6,600 to play. Romanello sat motionless for around a minute before clicking it back with a raise to 13,300. Pavel quickly mucked but El Khoury came along for the ride.
Both players checked the turn but Romanello bet 15,600 when the
arrived on the river. This bet was too big for El Khoury to call and he mucked his hand. It turned out to be a good fold as Romanello turned over
for a flopped set of sixes.
Most players stack their chips in piles of 10 or 20 chips but Romanello is a little different in that he simply piles every chip he has on top of each other making it very difficult to count them accurately. After spending an age trying to count them, I pegged him on 233,000.