Lewis and Pavel Share The Spoils

Level 15
: 2,000/4,000, 400 ante
We have mentioned Toby Lewis dozens of times today and it is not some weird crush we have on him, he is simply being involved in lots of pots each time we are near his table over at the back of the room.
In this latest hand, Lewis raised to 8,000 from late position and both Ion Pavel and Melanie Weisner in the blinds made the call, though the latter asked how much Lewis was playing from before putting in the extra 4,000 chips required to call.
Flop: - All three players quickly checked
Turn: - Again, all three players decided checking was the best action
River: - This time Pavel checked, as did Weisner but Lewis tossed a single yellow 5,000 chip into the pot and only Pavel called.
Choppity chop