Blain Avoids Cowboys, Or Did He?

Dermot Blain just narrowly avoided getting his money in badly when he re-raise folded against his Ludovic Marguerat.
Marguerat opened to 8,100, folding out everyone except Blain, who was seated in the small blind. The Irishman then re-raised to 25,500, which prompted his opponent to ask him how many chips he had behind.
"About 170, 185, something like that," came the reply
His opponent then put in another raise, this one to 67,300, which was too much for Blain to call and he mucked his hand. For some unknown reason, the dealer turned over one of Blain's cards, the before shuffling for the next hand.
"Did you have it?" quizzed Blain, to which his opponent nodded
"Aces? You had aces?" asked Blain, to which Marguerat shook his head.
"Kings?" said an inquisitive Blain, to which he received no response. Make of that what you will.