Kravchenko returning to his normal color
We saw a bit of a disturbance over at Alexander Kravchenko's table, so we scurried over to see what was what.
When we joined the situation, there was a board of spread out in the middle of the table, and it appeared that Kravchenko had the winning turned up in front of him. Despite having the winning hand, Kravchenko was standing hunched over the table, talking in a very frustrated tone and growing increasingly red of face.
The floor was in the middle of trying to reconstruct the rather large pot, as there was apparently a dispute about the number of chips in it. The issue was finally settled to everyone's satisfaction, and Kravchenko sat down to continue working on the chili he had been working on before the interruption.
Al Krav is up to 120,000 after dragging that big pot.