2010 PokerStars.net EPT Snowfest

2010 EPT Snowfest Main Event
Day: 4
Event Info

2010 PokerStars.net EPT Snowfest

Final Results
Winning Hand
Event Info
Level Info
60,000 / 120,000

Marcel Koller Eliminated in 12th Place (�20,400)

Koller - 12th place
Koller - 12th place
Marcel Koller raised to 55,000 and Allan Baekke called in the big blind to see a {7-Spades} {J-Clubs} {8-Diamonds} flop. Baekke bet out 60,000 but Koller made it 155,000. Back to Baekke, who eyed up Koller's stack. "You got like 600 more?" he enquired and thought about it.

At this point there was a deafening crunching noise in the tournament area; certain press members tensed up in case it was a repeat of the shenanigans at EPT Berlin, but it was just the speaker system malfunctioning. Over at the next table Alain Medesan lamented, "I raise and automatically everything goes wrong. I no more raise."

So back to the feature table, and Baekke flat-called the raise. Onwards.

They saw a {10-Clubs} turn and Baekke now bet out 160,000. Koller moved all in, Baekke instacalled, and they were on their backs.

Baekke: {Q-Clubs} {9-Diamonds} for a turned gutshot straight
Koller: {K-Diamonds} {J-Hearts} for flopped top pair and was already wandering off muttering, "F***ing...."

River: {2-Clubs}

Koller came back to shake hands, and he will not be making back-to-back final tables.

Tags: Allan BaekkeMarcel Koller