2010 PokerStars.net EPT Vienna

Main Event
Day: 4
Event Info

2010 PokerStars.net EPT Vienna

Final Results
Winning Hand
Event Info
Prize Pool
Level Info
150,000 / 300,000

Toni Judet Eliminated in 16th Place (�20,000)

Toni Judet Eliminated in 16th Place
Toni Judet Eliminated in 16th Place

Team Pokerstars Pro Toni Judet has been eliminated in 16th place. This is how his final hand played out.

Bruno Launais opened to 54,000 under the gun and everyone folded around to Judet who made the call from the Big Blind. The flop was {q-Hearts} {j-Hearts} {4-Diamonds} and Judet checked over to the raiser Launais who made a bet of 62,000 and Judet made the call. The turn was the {j-Clubs} and Judet again checked but this time very quickly. Launais, who was having a very rigorous massage at this point, fired his double barrel. "How much is that?" asked Judet and the Dealer announced it was 108,000. Judet took his time and diligently counted out the 108,000 and for a while it looked like he was going to make the call but at the last moment added a further 112,000 and instead made the raise. Launais looked at the Dealer and verbally declared he was all-in and Judet called. As we waited for the cameras to arrive at the table Judet asked Launais what he held and you could see the dejected look of the Team Pokerstar Pros forlonged face.

Judet: {a-Spades} {j-Diamonds}

Launais: {4-Clubs} {4-Hearts}

River: {8-Diamonds}

Launais moves up to 1.9 million

Tags: Bruno LaunaisToni Judet