Hirleman Ahead as Day 1a Done

As the dust settles on the tournament area and the remaining 130-odd players scurry out into the Copenhagen evening in an effort to get fed (for some reason restaurants seem to close at around 9.30 here), American online qualifier Mark Hirleman tops the chip counts on 163,400. He got the bulk of his stack in one big hand and will be the man to beat come Day 2 - unless an even bigger stack emerges during tomorrow's second flight of starters.
Yes indeed, all our Day 1a survivors now get to spend a pleasant and relaxing day enjoying the many sights and delights of Copenhagen before they return to get down to the serious business of making the money come Day 2. Among them are Annette Obrestad, Peter Eastgate, Arnaud Mattern and Johnny Lodden. Per Linde seems to be in second place behind Hirleman, on 150,900.
Tomorrow's Day 1b field looks to be bigger, and possibly even better than today's - among those expected to try their luck are Sebastian Ruthenberg, Jake Cody, JP Kelly and Viktor Blom. We'll be back on the ballroom floor at the Radisson Blu Scandinavia from noon CET to watch them raise, reraise and four-bet shove their way to possible victory. Be sure to join us then.