Liakos Out-Tanks Lauridsen
Level 22
: 10,000/20,000, 2,000 ante

Nikolas Liakos raised and Jens Lauridsen called in the big blind to see a flop. They both checked.
They saw a turn and Lauridsen checked again. Liakos tried a little 42,000 bet but Lauridsen called it and they got to see the river too.
The river came down the and this time Lauridsen pondered for a moment before betting out 75,000. Liakos tanked. And tanked. And called... And then mucked when Lauridsen turned over
for a flush.
With that, Luaridsen was back up to 950,000 or so. Liakos shook his head as he dropped to 410,000.