2011 EPT Deauville

Main Event
Day: 6
Event Info

2011 EPT Deauville

Final Results
Winning Hand
Event Info
Prize Pool
Level Info
60,000 / 120,000

It is All About Winning Chips

Alex Wice has started like a house on fire but the person who wins the most pots will not necessarily win the tournament; but the guy who wins the most chips most certainly will.

In hand one Alex Wice raised to 110,000 under the gun and everyone folded and he won 115,000 uncontested. In hand two everyone folded to Alex Wice in the big blind and he won another 110,000 uncontested.

In hand three the action folded around to Wice in the small blind and his opponent in the big blind was Kenny Hallaert. Wice raised to 120,000 and Hallaert called. The flop was {k-Clubs} {2-Hearts} {q-Hearts} and Wice bet 140,000 and Hallaert called. The turn wass {7-Spades} and Wice check-called a 240,000 bet by Hallaert. The river was the {3-Hearts} and again Wice checked and again Hallaert bet; making it 340,000. The usual quick-fire Wice slowed down and you could tell he had a marginal decision to make. In the end he decided to call and it was a good decision because his {q-Clubs} {j-Hearts} was good enough to beat Hallaert's verbal announcement of ace high.

Then in the fourth hand Kaspars Renga raised to 165,000 in the cut off and Wice three bet to 330,000 from the button. The blinds folded and Renga moved all-in and Wice called. Renga has {a-Hearts} {a-Clubs} and Wice had {q-Diamonds} {j-Diamonds}. The board didn't change anything and Renga doubled up.

Board: {6-Hearts} {k-Spades} {6-Clubs} {4-Hearts} {q-Spades}

Renga ~ 746,000

So Wice won three and lost one but more importantly he added some chips to his stack.

Tags: alex wicekenny hallaertkaspars renga