Small Pot for Overjoyed Powell

The cries of, "All in!" echoing around the cardroom earlier in the day, making your keen bloggers kind of dizzy in an effort to keep up, seem to have died off a little of late. And fair enough - in two and a half levels, we've dropped almost half the field. So for the moment, we're having to content ourselves with a few smaller hands.
Iulian Ruxandescu, who finished 92nd at the PCA and was a big stack in the early stages at Copenhagen this year, opened to 4,000, only for the permanently impassive Jack Powell to re-pop to 10,500. It folded back around to Ruxandescu, who commenced eyeing up Powell's stack and pulling faces. "Like 60 or something?" he squinted. Powell remained completely expressionless; he just looks bored when he's at the tables.
Eventually Ruxandescu folded and Powell raked in the pot, up to around 80,000. We imagine that he was fist-pumping on the inside.