Geshkenbein Doubles Through Dragomir to the Chip Lead

Vladimir Geshkenbein opened to 110,000 in the cutoff but on the button Cristian Dragomir made it 250,000 to go. The blinds folded, Geshenbein called, and they saw the flop.
Geshkenbein checked and Dragomir bet 255,000. But Geskenbein now check-raised all in for 2.405 million, leaving Dragomir with a huge decision - he covered Geshkenbein, but only by 170,000.
"I am ahead," Dragomir told Geshkenbein.
"You think I go all in without a hand?" asked Geshkenbein, amused.
Dragomir was completely serious as he replied, "Yes, actually I do. I'm afraid I'm going to call and look stupid. It's better than what you have, but it's stupid." Geshkenbein was meanwhile swinging his toy monkey card protector around. "The monkey you think is going to help you now?" continued Dragomir. Then, "Will you show me if I fold?"
"If you show me what you fold," said Geshkenbein cheerfully. "And you show first."
"But you show me?"
And then Dragomir made the call.
Dragomir: for a pair of eights
Geshkenbein: for a flush draw and overcards
River: bringing in the flush
Geshkenbein did a little crotch-pumping dance as he doubled up to 5,310,000 and the chip lead. Dragomir meanwhile was crippled to 170,000 - when he returns from break, that will be less than three big blinds.