2011 PokerStars.net European Poker Tour Berlin

Main Event
Day: 3
Event Info

2011 PokerStars.net European Poker Tour Berlin

Final Results
Winning Hand
Event Info
Prize Pool
Level Info
100,000 / 200,000

Zoran Good

Level 16 : 2,500/5,000, 500 ante

Kevin Vandersmissen just doubled up Zoran Mitic, calling his button squeezy shove (Vendersmissen had flat called the utg initial raiser) with {A-Diamonds}{10-Diamonds}. This turned out to be behind {A-Hearts}{J-Hearts} and the {J-Hearts}{K-Diamonds}{7-Clubs}{K-Spades}{6-Hearts} board did nothing to change that.

Mitic now has 140,000.

Tags: Zoran MiticKevin Vandersmissen

Helders Are Not Necessarily Your Bettors

Level 16 : 2,500/5,000, 500 ante
Vladimir Geshkenbein
Vladimir Geshkenbein

EPT Snowfest winner (and late arrival) Vladimir Geshkenbein has knocked out Online Qualifier Jason Helder, the latter pushing all-in with {a-Spades}{9-Clubs} over the top of the Russian's initial raise.

The flop of {K-Diamonds}{9-Spades}{3-Diamonds} put Geshkenbein in the lead and he seemed to like the {3-Spades} turn even more until he realised Helder already had the {a-Spades} and that the flush draw didn't change anything.

The river was the {k-Hearts} and Geshkenbein made a full house, knocking out his American opponent.

Tags: Jason HelderVladimir Geshkenbein

De Melo Defeated

Level 16 : 2,500/5,000, 500 ante
Fatima Moreira de Melo
Fatima Moreira de Melo

Fatima Moreira de Melo has made back to back cashes at the EPT this year, but her tournament here is over. She three-bet all in from the small blind for under 70,000 after Henrique Pinho had raised in early position. He snap-called and was dominating with {A-Clubs}{K-Clubs} vs. her {K-Diamonds}{9-Clubs}.

The cameras swarmed as she stood up and watched the flop arrive {A-Hearts}{Q-Hearts}{7-Clubs}, and wished the table good luck as she found herself drawing dead on the {4-Diamonds} turn.

Tags: Fatima Moreira de MeloHenrique Pinho

Markus' Stack Grewe

Level 16 : 2,500/5,000, 500 ante

PokerStars Online Qualifier Kamal Choraria has been knocked out by Markus Grewe. We didn't see the betting, just a whole host of chips being sent the way of the German who had been holding {k-Hearts}{q-Hearts} on a {j-Hearts}{10-}{2-}{8-}{9-Diamonds} against Choraria's {a-Clubs}{j-Clubs}.

Grewe now has 200,000.

Vested Interest

Level 16 : 2,500/5,000, 500 ante
Vegard Vestvik
Vegard Vestvik

Ilya Gorodetskiy opened preflop to 9,200 before Per Linde made it 23,500 on the button though the action didn't just stop there dear reader, the small blind Vegard Vestvik made it 48,000in a cold 4-bet. Gorodetskiy folded quickly and it didn't take much time for Linde to put his cards in the muck as well.

Elsewhere Rupert Elder is up to 162,000 after he moved all-in on the river of a {4-Diamonds}{8-Diamonds}{a-Hearts}{q-Hearts}{9-Clubs} for 72,000 against Mario Adinolfi. The latter deciding to opt out of calling.

Tags: Ilya GorodetskiyMario AdinolfiPer LindeRupert ElderVegard Vestvik

6-7 Dominates

Level 16 : 2,500/5,000, 500 ante

Perilously short Timo Pf��tzenreuter moved all-in for a micro raise over the top of chancer Michal Kusak preflop, who made the call (less than 27k total).

"You're so gross!" grinned Ben Wilinofsky as Kusak showed {6-Hearts}{5-Hearts} and Pf��tzenreuter a hilariously ahead {7-Diamonds}{6-Diamonds}.

The flop: {6-Spades}{7-Spades}{8-Hearts}

The turn: {7-Hearts} This brought a mini fistpump from the short stack.

The river: {Q-Diamonds}

"How many seconds did it take you after you made a full house to realise you were still sweating the river?" asked Wilinofsky.

"I hate you," replied Pf��tzenreuter, grinning and stacking his 58,000 chips.

Tags: Timo Pf��tzenreuterNem WilinofskyMichal Kusak

Level: 16

Blinds: 2,500/5,000

Ante: 500

Triple Up for Pidun

Level 15 : 2,000/4,000, 400 ante

An ace from space saved Daniel-Gai Pidun when a Nima Ahrary raise found both blinds getting it in preflop over the top. Hans Vogl was the small blind, and therefore first to shove, and Pidun called all-in for 65,000. Ahrary covered both of them by a ton of chips and called.

Ahrary: {Q-Clubs}{Q-Hearts}
Vogl: {9-Spades}{9-Hearts}
Pidun: {A-Hearts}{J-Hearts}

"Ass!" wished Pidun. His wish was immediately granted on a {K-Diamonds}{6-Spades}{A-Spades} flop.

"No queen! No nine!"

Turn: {3-Spades}

"No queen! No nine! No spade!"

River: {5-Clubs}

So Vogl loses the side pot and his tournament life, collecting �7,500

Tags: Daniel-Gai PidunHans VoglNima Ahrary