Seat 5: Andrew Li �C 1,120,000

Seat 5: Andrew Li, 25, Arlington, Virginia, USA �C PokerStars SuperNova Elite �C 1,120,000
Li has been playing poker since 2004 and professionally since 2008, after he graduated from the University of Virginia where he studied Biology and Psychology. Li primarily plays sit and goes on PokerStars under the handle "azntracker" and plays between 30 and 40 tables at once. This year he broke the record for reaching SuperNova Elite in the quickest time. It took him just two months, breaking the previous speed record by nearly three weeks. He only decided to come and play Madrid the day before the tournament started as his room mate (Pariesh "Dana Gordon" Jain) was making the trip.
He��s now banking his biggest win by far - wherever he finishes in the final. After this year's WSOP he is planning to relocate to Sydney, Australia so he can carry on his online career. Away from the tables Li likes to travel and participate in many outdoor action-adventure pursuits.