Joao Factor
Level 4
: 150/300, 0 ante

EPT Warsaw winner Joao Barbosa has picked up a nice little pot after finding himself looking at a flop in position. Online qualifier Danilo Donnini checked from the small blind to Martin Jacobson under the gun, who bet 1,050. Barbosa called behind, Donnini called too, and they all three saw the turn.
The turn in question was the and this time it checked around to Barbosa who bet 2,500. Donnini called, Jacobson folded, and they went heads up to the river. It didn't go to showdown, though - Donnini checked for a third time, and when Barbosa bet again, he decided that he didn't like his hand that much after all and gave it up.
Barbosa is doing rather well now, on around 43,000. Jacobson by the by is in increasing trouble on around 14,000.