2011 PokerStars.com EPT Loutraki

Main Event
Day: 5
Event Info

2011 PokerStars.com EPT Loutraki

Final Results
Winning Hand
Event Info
Level Info
80,000 / 160,000

Ziyard Wins Interesting Three-Bet Pot

Hauke Heseding raised to 250,000 and Zimnan Ziyard made it 635,000 from the big blind, Heseding made the call. The flop was {A-Diamonds}{J-Spades}{6-Clubs} and Ziyard check-called a bet of 450,000 before both players checked the {7-Hearts} turn and {10-Diamonds} river.

Ziyard flipped {9-Hearts}{7-Diamonds} and surprisingly, it was good.

Player Chips Progress
Zimnan Ziyard gb
Zimnan Ziyard
EPT 1X Winner
Hauke Heseding
Hauke Heseding

Tags: Zimnan ZiyardHauke Heseding

Four Hands of Heads Up Action

Level 31 : 60,000/120,000, 10,000 ante

Hand 1

Zimnan Ziyard just called from the small blind and Hauke Heseding checked. The flop was {J-Hearts} {9-Hearts} {7-Clubs} and Heseding checked to Ziyard who bet 120,000 to win the pot.

Hand 2

Ziyard raised to 250,000 and Heseding called. The flop was {10-Hearts} {8-Spades} {2-Diamonds} and both players checked as they did with the {4-Hearts} turn. On the river we saw the {J-Clubs} and Heseding check-called a 150,000 Ziyard bet. Heseding showed down {K-Spades} {J-Hearts} to take down the pot and Ziyard mucked {J-} {x-}.

Hand 3

Ziyard raised to 250,000 and Heseding called. The action checked all the way through, on a board of {A-Hearts} {8-Clubs} {3-Spades} {4-Diamonds} {J-Diamonds} and Heseding won the pot with {J-Spades} {9-Clubs}

Hand 4

Heseding raised to 250,000 and Ziyard called. The flop was {A-Clubs} {J-Clubs} {5-Hearts} and Ziyard bet 275,000 and Heseding called. The turnw as the {9-Clubs} and Ziyard decided to check this time. Heseding bet 375,000 and Ziyard counted out the call but then folded at the last minute. After a kind request from Ziyard Heseding showed down the {10-Hearts}.

Tags: Hauke HesedingZimnan Ziyard

Ziyard Doubles Up

Zimnan Ziyard
Zimnan Ziyard

Zimnan Ziyard raised to 250,000 from the button, Hauke Heseding moved all in from the big blind. Ziyard snapped him off like a rattlesnake.

Ziyard: {A-Diamonds}{K-Hearts}
Heseding: {A-Clubs}{7-Spades}

The flop came {K-Clubs}{9-Clubs}{5-Diamonds} and the German was already drawing dead by the {Q-Spades} turn, the {5-Hearts} river being meaningless.

It's all change again, Ziyard now has the chip lead - this final table has been epic.

Player Chips Progress
Zimnan Ziyard gb
Zimnan Ziyard
EPT 1X Winner
Hauke Heseding
Hauke Heseding

Tags: Zimnan ZiyardHauke Heseding

Level: 31

Blinds: 60,000/120,000

Ante: 10,000

John Taramas Eliminated in 3rd Place (�134,400)

John Taramas
John Taramas

And just like that, the deadlock has been broken.

Zimnan Ziyard folded the button and John Tamaras moved all in for 1.6 million from the small blind, Hauke Heseding snap-called!

Tamaras: {9-Clubs}{7-Clubs}
Heseding: {A-Spades}{10-Clubs}

The Greek crowd bayed for a nine or a seven but the flop came {Q-Clubs}{J-Diamonds}{10-Spades}. "King!....Oh wait..." shouted a couple of the Greeks which prompted some laughing from the Germans.

The {3-Diamonds} on the turn changed nothing and Heseding could barely watch, he looked as though he might cry or indeed spontaneously combust at anymore. The river was the {Q-Diamonds} and Heseding celebrated winning just as the break was hitting.

After a long grueling three-way match, we are finally heads up.

Player Chips Progress
John Taramas gr
John Taramas

Tags: Hauke HesedingJohn TaramasZimnan Ziyard

Heseding Exerts More Control Over Ziyard

Hauke Heseding is really turning the screw on Zimnan Ziyard. Heseding raised to 200,000 on the button and Ziyard three-bet to 500,000 from the small blind. Heseding made the call and they shared a flop of {7-Hearts} {4-Hearts} {2-Clubs}. Ziyard moved 500,000 into the middle of the table, but this time looked more nervous than before. Maybe Heseding picked up on this, maybe not, but he moved all-in and Ziyard folded instantly.

Player Chips Progress
Hauke Heseding
Hauke Heseding
Zimnan Ziyard gb
Zimnan Ziyard
EPT 1X Winner

Tags: Hauke HesedingZimnan Ziyard