2011 PokerStars.com EPT Tallinn

Main Event
Day: 2
Event Info

2011 PokerStars.com EPT Tallinn

Final Results
Winning Hand
Event Info
Prize Pool
Level Info
15,000 / 30,000

Level Nine Chip Counts

Some chip counts for you

Player Chips Progress
Profile photo of Oscar Lima
Oscar Lima
Profile photo of Vicenzo Apicella
Vicenzo Apicella
Profile photo of Nikolas Liakos
Nikolas Liakos
Profile photo of Irene Baroni it
Irene Baroni
Profile photo of Ronny Kaiser ch
Ronny Kaiser
Profile photo of Mathew Frankland gb
Mathew Frankland
Profile photo of Michael Graydon ie
Michael Graydon
Profile photo of Anatolii Ozhenilok ru
Anatolii Ozhenilok
Profile photo of Anders Berg se
Anders Berg
Profile photo of Praz Bansi gb
Praz Bansi
Profile photo of Dmitry Vitkind ru
Dmitry Vitkind
Profile photo of Anton Ionel ro
Anton Ionel
Profile photo of Kirill Zapletin
Kirill Zapletin
Profile photo of John O'Shea ie
John O'Shea
Profile photo of Martin Jacobson se
Martin Jacobson
Profile photo of Fernando Brito pt
Fernando Brito
Profile photo of Pierre Neuville be
Pierre Neuville
Profile photo of Arnaud Mattern fr
Arnaud Mattern
Profile photo of Maksim Kolosov ru
Maksim Kolosov
Profile photo of JP Kelly gb
JP Kelly
Profile photo of Marcin Horecki pl
Marcin Horecki
Profile photo of John Eames gb
John Eames
Profile photo of Mudassar Khan
Mudassar Khan
Profile photo of David Vamplew gb
David Vamplew
EPT 1X Winner

Not One For the Little Man

Level 9 : 400/800, 100 ante
Still a dry year for Minieri
Still a dry year for Minieri

Team PokerStars Pro Dario Minieri is out.

He was heads-up against Stefan Jedlicka and the river had been dealt to leave a {10-Hearts}{5-Spades}{2-Spades}{q-Diamonds}{8-Spades} board. Minieri had been the aggressor and on the river he moved all-in for around 42,000. Jedlicka called and turned over {j-Spades}{q-Spades} for a flush and in the rules of poker that beat Minieri's {j-Clubs}[{9-Diamonds} for a straight.

Tags: Dario Minieri

Busto Soon? Very Unlikely

Level 9 : 400/800, 100 ante

Johan van Til, better known in online poker circles by his moniker "Busto Soon" started the day with just a single 5,000 chip and it looked like his nickname was quite apt. However, the old poker saying that you only need a chip and a chair to win a tournament seems to be true as he now sits behind a stack of 67,500.

He did have a few more but he just lost a hand against Yotam Bar-Yosef over on Table 12. Bar-Yosef made it 1,700 to play from middle position and then called as van Til three-bet to 3,600 from the small blind. The flop came down {6-Diamonds}{10-Diamonds}{4-Clubs} and van Til lead out with a bet of 4,100. Bar-Yosef waited a few moments before moving all in for 26,800. Van Til was not prepared to match this bet and folded his hand.

Tags: Yotam Bar-YosefJohan van Til

More Out the Door

Level 9 : 400/800, 100 ante
These players have been shown the door to here
These players have been shown the door to here

Here's a few more chip-less players

Anton Thorarinsson
Janne Juutilainen
Kent Lundmark
Janne Pitko
Adrian Higueras
Manfred Sierke (PokerStars qualifier)
Yury Romanovich
Igor Kurganov
Ignat Liviu
Denis Michael (PokerStars qualifier)
Jens Kl?ning (PokerStars qualifier)
Jorge Borau
Rafael Gomes
Alexander Roumeliotis
Pavel Lebedev
Yuri Esaulon
William Ross
Marco Fabbrini
(PokerStars qualifier)
Dario Minieri (Team PokerStars Pro Italy)
Nichlas Mattsson

In a level and a half we've lost an incredible 48 of the 198 players that came back today.

Ruzicka survives the sweat

Level 9 : 400/800, 100 ante

Vojtech Ruzicka and Stuart Fox both had around 50,000 at the start of the hand. After a preflop raising war the two players were both all-in with big-slick and although it ended in a chop, Ruzicka was put through the ringer.

Ruzicka; {a-Spades}{k-Spades}
Fox: {a-Diamonds}{k-Diamonds}

The flop came {a-Hearts}{10-Diamonds}{6-Diamonds} prompting Ruzicka to say, "Wow."

The turn and river came {4-Clubs}{7-Clubs} and Ruzicka relaxed back into his seat.

Tags: Vojtech RuzickaStuart Fox

Mattern Goes Bananas

Level 9 : 400/800, 100 ante
Fruity Mattern
Fruity Mattern

At the start of Day 1a and Day 1b the players were informed that they were not allowed to have any electrical devices on the table, but there are allowed to use them if they are on their lap or away from the table. However, the tournament director never mentioned whether fruit was permitted to be on the table and a dealer has just questioned that over on Table 3.

Table 3 is the home to French Team PokerStars pro Arnaud Mattern and he has in front of him two bananas. For some reason the dealer took offence at this and asked Mattern to remove them. Mattern was not happy about this at all and said "In my five years playing live nobody has ever had a problem," before demanding the dealer to "call the floor!"

One of the floor staff came to Table 3 and ruled that the fruit could stay, though Chuck Clark joked he could see a red light flashing from one of them!

"I don't think the tipping will be very high this year," said an upset Mattern.

Tags: Arnaud Mattern

Toth Buys Himself a Birthday Present

Level 9 : 400/800, 100 ante

Today is Team PokerStars Pro Richard Toth's birthday and although he does not look to have a cake or balloons he is shovelling in chips.

His latest haul started with him raising to 1,700 from late position and Imre Leibold making it 3,700 on the button. Both blinds folded and Toth made the call. The flop came down {8-Spades}{3-Diamonds}{A-Diamonds}, Toth checked, Leibold bet 5,000 and Toth called very quickly.

Toth checked the arrival of the {9-Hearts} on the turn and his opponent checked behind. The river saw the {A-Hearts} make an appearance and it was greeted with a 30,000 bet from Toth, more than enough to put his Estonian opponent all in. Leibold sat for 20 seconds before folding his hand, possibly slightly spoiling Toth's party.

Tags: Richard TothImre Leibold

Mattern All-in

Level 9 : 400/800, 100 ante

Team PokerStars Pro was just all-in on the river against Kevin Green but got the push through.

We picked up the action on the turn where the board read {4-Hearts}{j-Spades}{7-Diamonds}{6-Clubs}. Green checked from the big blind and the Frenchman bet 4,200. Green called to swell the pot to about 20,000 chips.

The river came {a-Diamonds} and and Green checked to face Mattern's 15,800 all-in. He wasted little time in folding.

Tags: Arnaud Mattern

This is how to Reduce the Field

Level 9 : 400/800, 100 ante

William Ross raised to 1,700 and Rafael Gomes moved all-in for his remaining 2,900. The action folded around to Raigo Aasmaa and he called. William Ross asked the dealer if he could raise and he was given the green light. Ross made it 6,000 to play and Aasmaa moved all-in and was promptly called by Ross. So we had three-way action with two players at risk of elimination and this is what they were holding:

Aasmaa{k-Diamonds} {k-Clubs}
Ross{a-Clubs} {a-Spades}
Gomes{j-Diamonds} {j-Spades}

So Ross was in great shape to triple up, Gomes was heading out of the door and Aasmaa was going to be left with chip dust.

Board: {4-Spades} {k-Spades} {7-Hearts} {10-Clubs} {6-Clubs}

That changed things! Gomes and the unlucky Ross both headed for the door and Aasmaa was left with 65,000 plastic things.

Tags: William RossRafael GomesRaigo Aasmaa

Brammer is Back in Contention

Level 9 : 400/800, 100 ante

Chris Brammer just managed to double up through Rafael Gomes with just Ace high and this is how it happened.

Brammer opened up the action with a raise of 1,600 and Gomes made the call. Both players saw a tantalising flop of {10-Hearts} {2-Hearts} {q-Diamonds} and all hell broke loose. Firstly Brammer bet 2,800, then Gomes bet 8,000, then Brammer moved all-in for 36,000 and Gomes called. When the cards were overturned both players were on the draw.

Brammer{a-Diamonds} {k-Diamonds}
Gomes{k-Hearts} {j-Hearts}

Turn: {10-Spades}

River: {10-Diamonds}

Neither hit their hand and Brammers ace high was good enough to cripple Gomes.

Then in the next hand Brammer raised to 1,600 and Raigo Aasmaa defended his big blind. The action checked right down to the river on a board of {j-Spades} {5-Diamonds} {q-Diamonds} {10-Diamonds} {a-Diamonds} when Brammer took the pot down with a bet of 3,000.

Brammer ~ 89,000

Tags: Chris BrammerRaigo AasmaaRafael Gomes