River Bet Wins Pot For McCLung

Canada's Chris McClung has just given his stack a boost after winning a pot that was contested three ways.
It was McClung who opened the betting with a min-raise to 400 from middle position, Robert Haigh called to his direct left only to see Andoni Larrabe three-bet to 1,400. Both McClung and Haigh called the raise and it was three handed to the flop.
Flop: - McClung checked the flop, as did Haigh, but Larrbe was in no mood for checking and he bet 2,000. Only McClung called this bet.
Turn: - A second queen appeared on the turn, and it also put a second spade out there. Despite this, both players checked
River: - The river completed a myriad of draws and it was no surprise that McClung decided to represent one of them with a 4,100 bet. Larrabe had a look on his face that suggested he knew McClung was bluffing but did not have a hand he felt comfortable in calling with, and he folded.