2014 PokerStars.it EPT Sanremo

�4,900 Main Event
Day: 6
Event Info

2014 PokerStars.it EPT Sanremo

Final Results
Vicky Coren Mitchell
Winning Hand
Event Info
Prize Pool
Level Info
60,000 / 120,000

Coren Mitchell takes a pot from Westmorland

Level 30 : 50,000/100,000, 10,000 ante

Jordan Westmorland opened with {5-Clubs}{5-Spades} on the button for 200,000 and Vicky Coren Mitchell called in the big blind with {k-Hearts}{q-Spades}.

The flop was {3-Spades}{q-Clubs}{7-Clubs}. Coren Mitchell checked and Westmorland bet 200,000 only to be raised by Coren Mitchell to 500,000. Westmorland called.

The turn card was the dangerous looking {a-Clubs} but Coren Mitchell bet 400,000 and Westmorland made the fold.

Player Chips Progress
Jordan Westmorland us
Jordan Westmorland
Giacomo Fundaro it
Giacomo Fundaro
Vicky Coren Mitchell gb
Vicky Coren Mitchell

Tags: Jordan WestmorlandVicky Coren Mitchell

Fundaro Hits Trips

Level 30 : 50,000/100,000, 10,000 ante

Giacomo Fundaro opened for 225,000 from the button holding {10-Diamonds}{8-Spades}. In the big blind it was Jason Westmorland and he made the call with {A-Clubs}{9-Clubs}.

Westmorland and Fundaro both checked the {8-Diamonds}{5-Diamonds}{K-Clubs} flop. The {7-Hearts} on the turn made for more action as Westmorland check-called a 275,000 bet. The {8-Hearts} on the river again saw Westmorland check. The check back on the flop by Funaro put him on the wrong track probably, as he now called the 435,000 bet from Fundaro.

With nothing but the pair of eights on the table and his ace-high he called. His bluff catch didn't catch a bluff this time, Fundaro tabled his rivered trips and took down the pot.

Player Chips Progress
Jordan Westmorland us
Jordan Westmorland
Giacomo Fundaro it
Giacomo Fundaro
Vicky Coren Mitchell gb
Vicky Coren Mitchell

Tags: Jordan WestmorlandGiacomo Fundaro

Pot to Coren Mitchell

Level 30 : 50,000/100,000, 10,000 ante

Vicky Coren Mitchell raised from the small blind to 200,000 with {k-Hearts}{10-Hearts} and Jordan Westmorland called in the big blind with {a-Clubs}{3-Clubs}.

They saw a flop of {10-Clubs}{2-Diamonds}{j-Spades} and both players checked. The turn card was the {k-Clubs} giving Coren Mitchell two pair and Westmorland the nut flush draw.

Coren Mitchell bet 300,000 and Westmorland made the call.

The river card fell the {8-Spades}. Coren Mitchell bet again for 500,000 and Westmorland gave it a ponder. He made the fold though.

Tags: Jordan WestmorlandVicky Coren Mitchell

Level: 30

Blinds: 50,000/100,000

Ante: 10,000

Rare Limp on Coren Mitchell��s Big Blind

Level 29 : 40,000/80,000, 10,000 ante
Victoria Coren
Victoria Coren

Giacomo Fundaro in the small blind had {4-Diamonds}{3-Clubs} and the seconds were ticking down towards the break.

Vicky Coren Mitchell in the big blind said to him, ��It��s nearly the break, no shame in folding.��

He looked at the clock and limped in the big blind. Coren Mitchell raised him to 280,000.

He folded and she showed him {q-Hearts}{q-Diamonds} saying it was at least ten tournament ago that someone hadn��t raised her blind on blind.

Tags: Giacomo FundaroVicky Coren Mitchell

Coren Mitchell Shows Who's Boss

Level 29 : 40,000/80,000, 10,000 ante

Vicky Coren Mitchell opened the button to 160,000 with {6-Hearts}{6-Clubs} and Jordan Westmorland made a three-bet from the small blind with {A-Clubs}{7-Spades} to 385,000. Giacomo Fundaro had {A-Spades}{10-Spades} in the big blind but folded. Coren Mitchell thought about it for some time, before eventually calling.

The flop gave the two {9-Spades}{3-Diamonds}{5-Hearts} and Westmorland made it 325,000. Coren Mitchell didn't need much time to announce allin for 1,965,000 total. Westmorland was just as quick with his action as he folded before Coren Mitchell actually had her chips in the middle.

Player Chips Progress
Jordan Westmorland us
Jordan Westmorland
Giacomo Fundaro it
Giacomo Fundaro
Vicky Coren Mitchell gb
Vicky Coren Mitchell

Tags: Jordan WestmorlandVicky CorenVicky Coren MitchellVictoria Coren

Andrea Benelli Eliminated in 4th Place (�166,700)

Level 29 : 40,000/80,000, 10,000 ante
Andrea Benelli shakes hands with Jordan Westmorland
Andrea Benelli shakes hands with Jordan Westmorland

Giacomo Fundaro opened from the small blind with {q-Diamonds}{10-Clubs}. Andrea Benelli in the big blind moved all in with {k-Hearts}{10-Spades} for 970,000. It was about 20% of Fundaro��s stack to call, another 775,000.

He got the count and thought about it, cutting out the calling chips. He eventually made the call.

The cards fell {7-Diamonds}{5-Clubs}{q-Spades}{a-Diamonds}{10-Hearts} and Fundaro spiked his queen on the flop to shoot ahead and eliminate Benelli.

Player Chips Progress
Jordan Westmorland us
Jordan Westmorland
Giacomo Fundaro it
Giacomo Fundaro
Vicky Coren Mitchell gb
Vicky Coren Mitchell
Andrea Benelli it
Andrea Benelli

Tags: Andrea BenelliGiacomo Fundaro