2019 PokerStars and Monte-Carlo?Casino EPT

�330 EPT Cup
Day: 2
Event Info

2019 PokerStars and Monte-Carlo?Casino EPT

Final Results
Event Info
Level Info
50,000 / 100,000

Vamshi Vandanapu Eliminated in 5th Place (�8,060)

Level 27 : 30,000/60,000, 60,000 ante
Vamshi Vandanapu
Vamshi Vandanapu

Vamshi Vandanapu raised all in for 430,000 from the button and big blind Giuseppe Caridi called with his big stack.

Vandanapu had {a-Clubs}{10-Hearts} and Caridi had two live cards with {9-Clubs}{5-Hearts}. The {2-Clubs}{2-Diamonds}{q-Spades} flop and {k-Spades} turn were safe for Vandanapu but Caridi got there on the {5-Spades} river.

Vandanapu has to do with fifth place and �8,060 while all the other players are guaranteed to take home at least �10,110 now.

Player Chips Progress
Giuseppe Caridi it
Giuseppe Caridi
Vamshi Vandanapu gb
Vamshi Vandanapu

Tags: Giuseppe CaridiVamshi Vandanapu

[Removed:391] Eliminated in 6th Place (�6,190)

Level 27 : 30,000/60,000, 60,000 ante

Samvel Grigoryan opened with a raise to 155,000 from the hijack and [Removed:391] moved all in from the big blind when it was on him. He had about 500,000 that he pushed to the middle and an immediate call followed by Grigoryan.

Samvel Grigoryan: {a-Diamonds}{k-Diamonds}
[Removed:391]: {6-Spades}{6-Hearts}

The board ran out {a-Spades}{5-Diamonds}{2-Clubs}{8-Hearts}{9-Hearts} and Aouri was sent to the rail while Grigoryan celebrated with a fist pump. Aouri takes home �6,190 for his sixth-place finish in the �330 EPT Cup.

Player Chips Progress
Samvel Grigoryan ru
Samvel Grigoryan
[Removed:391] fr

Tags: Samvel Grigoryan

Grigoryan Takes From Zabrodskyy

Level 27 : 30,000/60,000, 60,000 ante

Samvel Grigoryan raised from the button to 120,000 and big blind Vasyl Zabrodskyy defended.

The flop fell {7-Spades}{q-Diamonds}{6-Diamonds} and Zabrodskyy checked to Grigoryan. The initial raiser bet another 120,000 and the Day 1b chip leader went for the check-raise to 260,000. Grigoryan called the bet to see the turn.

The {k-Hearts} turn was dealt and Zabrodskyy checked another time. Grigoryan went for a bet of 300,000 and that was enough to make his opponent fold and take down the pot.

Player Chips Progress
Vasyl Zabrodskyy ua
Vasyl Zabrodskyy
Day 1B Chip Leader
Samvel Grigoryan ru
Samvel Grigoryan

Tags: Samvel GrigoryanVasyl Zabrodskyy

Level: 27

Blinds: 30,000/60,000

Ante: 60,000


Level 26 : 20,000/50,000, 50,000 ante

The remaining six players were sent on a twenty-minute break. They will continue in blind level 27 with blinds at 30,000/60,000 with a 60,000 big blind ante. The average stack will be 22 big blinds.

Vardan Zakaryan Eliminated in 7th Place (�4,510)

Level 26 : 20,000/50,000, 50,000 ante
Vardan Zakaryan
Vardan Zakaryan

Samvel Grigoryan raised from middle position to 130,000 and Vardan Zakaryan moved all in for 530,000 from the hijack. It folded back to Grigoryan and he called.

Samvel Grigoryan: {q-Clubs}{j-Clubs}
Vardan Zakaryan: {a-Spades}{j-Spades}

Grigoryan was behind but the {j-Hearts}{k-Diamonds}{6-Hearts}{q-Spades}{2-Diamonds} board ran out in his favor and he took down the pot to eliminate Zakaryan in seventh place. Zakaryan takes home �4,510 for his performance in the EPT Cup.

Player Chips Progress
Samvel Grigoryan ru
Samvel Grigoryan
Vardan Zakaryan am
Vardan Zakaryan

Tags: Samvel GrigoryanVardan Zakaryan

Alexandre Moreau Eliminated in 8th Place (�3,270)

Level 26 : 20,000/50,000, 50,000 ante
Alexandre Moreau
Alexandre Moreau

The board was {9-Clubs}{7-Diamonds}{7-Clubs}{q-Hearts} and Giuseppe Caridi checked from the hijack to Alexandre Moreau on the button. Moreau put in a big bet of 500,000 which was a little under the size of the pot. Caridi called after a while and the river was dealt.

The river was the {10-Hearts} and Caridi snap-jammed all-in for 1,015,000. Moreau didn't think too long and he called after a matter of seconds. Caridi immediately tabled {10-Spades}{10-Diamonds} and Moreau showed {7-Hearts}{2-Hearts}. It turned out both players had the exact same stack after they counted both stacks multiple times.

Moreau got eliminated in the huge pot while Caridi shoots to the chip lead. Moreau has to settle for eighth place and �3,270.

Player Chips Progress
Giuseppe Caridi it
Giuseppe Caridi
Alexandre Moreau fr
Alexandre Moreau
Day 1A Chip Leader

Tags: Alexandre MoreauGiuseppe Caridi

Slowed Down

Level 26 : 20,000/50,000, 50,000 ante

Play has slowed down since the official final table of eight players was reached. There has yet to be an all-in situation but for now they will continue to play small pots while the average stack is twenty big blinds.