2007 EPT - Barcelona

EPT Barcelona Main Event
Day: 2
Event Info

2007 EPT - Barcelona

Final Results
Winning Hand
Event Info
Prize Pool
Level Info
20,000 / 40,000

Level: 11

Blinds: 600/1,200

Ante: 100

Prize Pool Payouts

The top 56 players win prize money. Here's the payout information:

1 - � 1,170,700
2 - � 673,000
3 - � 388,800
4 - � 301,000
5 - � 250,800
6 - � 196,500
7 - � 154,700
8 - � 104,500
9 - � 64,800
10 - � 64,800
11 - � 46,000
12 - � 46,000
13 - � 33,450
14 - � 33,450
15 - � 25,100
16 - � 25,100
17 - � 20,900
18 - � 20,900
19 - � 20,900
20 - � 20,900
21 - � 20,900
22 - � 20,900
23 - � 20,900
24 - � 20,900
25 - � 16,700
26 - � 16,700
27 - � 16,700
28 - � 16,700
29 - � 16,700
30 - � 16,700
31 - � 16,700
32 - � 16,700
33 - � 14,650
34 - � 14,650
35 - � 14,650
36 - � 14,650
37 - � 14,650
38 - � 14,650
39 - � 14,650
40 - � 14,650
41 - � 12,550
42 - � 12,550
43 - � 12,550
44 - � 12,550
45 - � 12,550
46 - � 12,550
47 - � 12,550
48 - � 12,550
49 - � 10,500
50 - � 10,500
51 - � 10,500
52 - � 10,500
53 - � 10,500
54 - � 10,500
55 - � 10,500
56 - � 10,500

Early Eliminations

Here are some players who busted out before the dinner break: Rob Hollink (Holland), Praz Bansi (UK), Jeff "ActionJeff" Garza (USA), Parick Bueno (France), Davood Mehrmand (Germany), and Paul Testud (France).

Noah Boeken Eliminated

Noah Boeken playing on Day 1a
Noah Boeken playing on Day 1a
On a flop of K-10-9, Noah Boeken (Holland) was all in with 9-7 and an open-ended straight draw. Unfortunately, he was up against a player that flopped a set and another who held two pair. The turn gave one of Boeken's opponents a full house and Boeken was drawing dead.

Tags: Noah Boeken

Paul Wasicka Passes 100K

Paul Wasicka
Paul Wasicka
Paul Wasicka raised to 3,000 from middle position and Joris Bernard Jaspers called from the button. The flop was {Q-Spades}{10-Clubs}{5-Spades}. Wasicka bet 7,000, Jaspers moved all in for 21,000 more, and Wasicka called. Jaspers turned over {8-Hearts}{10-Hearts} for middle pair, while Wasicka showed {K-Spades}{J-Diamonds} for an open-ended straight draw. The turn was the {7-Clubs}, but the river was the {9-Spades}, making Wasicka's straight. Jaspers was eliminated and Wasicka's stack climbed to 116,000.

Tags: Paul Wasicka