He just moved all in on the button with 
. He only pretended to look at his cards. The BB called with 
The flop came 

, giving Grundy two pair. River
, and Ben Grundy wins a 180,000 pot.
With blinds about to go to 5K/10K, so many players are treading water.
Miroslav Sima 100K
Mike Tse 110K
Mickey Wernick 60K
Cristiano Blanco 80K
Thomas Fougeron 140K
Madassar Khen 50K
Johnny Lodden 150K
Ben GrundyCristiano BlancoDortmundEPTJohnny LoddenMadassar KhenMickey WernickMike TseMilkybarkidMiroslav SimaThomas Fougeron