There's no sitting around here, as our players seem very keen not to let themselves dwindle but instead are more than happy to get those chips in whenever they see a hand or an opportunity.
This time it's Masaaki Kagawa getting his last 104,000 in preflop, with a very serious look on his face. No one calls, though, and he melts into a smile as he picks up the blinds and antes.
Scotty Nguyen and Jason Mercier check down a board from the blinds. We didn't expect to find anyone with better than ace high, but Nguyen had and Mericer had paired a six on the river.
"I would have bet the river there," claimed Joe Hachem from the commentary box.
Scotty Nguyen goes all in but comes back out again, with the blinds and antes he's picked up putting him back up just above the 10 big blind mark.
Scotty Nguyen bet relatively small on all three streets of the board, called all the way by Jason Mercier until the river, when Jason raised Nguyen's 24,000 bet to 69,000. There was a tense silence and then Nguyen made the call -- and mucked when Mercier turned over the mighty for two pair. Mercier takes down a monstrous pot, catapulting him up to 314,000 in chips.
David Benyamine limped from the small blind, and Scotty Nguyen pushed all in. Benyamine folded face-up, but was angry with himself for not pushing. "I would have called anyway," claimed Scotty Nguyen as he asked for his to be flipped over.
Hiding his face in shame!
Peter Jetten raises to 17,000, and Isaac Haxton calls him out of the blinds. This behaviour leads them to a flop.
Haxton now leads for 22,000, and Jetten has a very intense look of innocent concentration on his face as he stares Haxton down. He calls.
Turn: -- now Haxton leads out for 60,000. Jetten looks almost hurt, but calls. He hasn't shifted his gaze from Haxton yet.
River: -- and now they both check. "Er, is eight-high any good?" hazards Haxton. He knows the answer already, though -- Jetten shows to take it down and Haxton shows for a bluff that's cost him pretty big.