2007 EPT - Prague

EPT Prague Main Event
Day: 4
Event Info

2007 EPT - Prague

Final Results
Winning Hand
Event Info
Level Info
30,000 / 60,000

Over the Last Six Hands...

...Mattern and Lauttamus have taken turns stealing the blinds, and neither of the two shorter stacks have gotten involved.

Then after Lauttamus raised a third pot in a row, Kjondal, on the button and visibly determined not to be pushed around, announced "All in," from the small blind and took down the pot.

Level: 25

Blinds: 20,000/40,000

Ante: 4,000

We Are on a Short Break

Kristian Kjondal
Kristian Kjondal
On the last hand of the level, Juha Lauttamus raised to 90,000 first to act. Kristian Kjondal reraised to 300,000.

Gino Alacqua in the small blind had a long dwell, fixing his shirt and tie as if it was time to make his stand, but then folded.

It was folded back to Lauttamus, who tabled pocket fours, and Kjondal took down the pot.

Tags: Kristian Kjondal

Cagey Play

Play has calmed down somewhat in the last six hands. Only one reraise, made by Juha Lauttamus over Arnaud Mattern's button raise. Arnaud called and we saw a rare flop of {10-Diamonds}{Q-Diamonds}{9-Hearts}.

Arnaud's bet of 90,000 into a 550,000 pot was enough to take it down after Juha checked.

Tags: Arnaud MatternJuha Lauttamus

Juha Lauttamus Knocks Out Markus Golser

Juha Lauttamus is now the clear chip leader
Juha Lauttamus is now the clear chip leader
Lauttamus raised to 85,000 from the cutoff seat and Markus Golser called from the big blind.

The flop came {J-Clubs}{6-Spades}{5-Clubs}, and Golser immediately went all in for 450,000. Lauttamus called.

{K-Clubs}{10-Clubs} for Golser.
{J-Hearts}{Q-Spades} for Lauttamus.

Turn: {9-Diamonds}
River: {7-Hearts}

Markus Golser takes �151,800 back to Austria for his fifth-place finish.

Tags: Juha Lauttamus

Reraises: 4, Raises: 3, Walks: 1, Flops: 0...

Gino Alacqua
Gino Alacqua
In the last eight hands, the reraise was the most succesful move at the table.

1: Arnaud raises to 85,000 UTG and Markus Golser moves all in from the big blind to win.
2: Juha raises to 85,000 UTG and wins.
3: Juha gets a walk.
4: Markus Golser moves in on Kristian's big blind and wins.
5: Arnaud makes it 90,000 and Gino makes it 320,000 more to win.
6: Juha makes it 85,000 to go, and Kristian reraises to 235,000 on the button to win.
7: Juha gets an 85,000 raise through.
8: Juha makes it 90,000 and Gino reraises to 300,000 to win.

Gino has made two succesful reraises and has not been looked up all day.

Markus has moved all in twice without a caller.

Arnaud Mattern has failed to win a pot in the last eight hands.

No One Wants to be the Next Volunteer

Markus Golser on the short stack
Markus Golser on the short stack
Eight more hands in a row have gone by without a flop, as players take it in turn to steal the blinds.

Markus Golser is the only player without the luxury of being able to make a smaller preflop raise and is in all-in mode.

On the last hand, he moved all in from first position, stole the blinds, then showed the {2-Diamonds}.

Tags: Markus Golser

A Round of the Table:

Five hands constitutes a full round of the table. The last five hands were:

1: Arnaud gets a walk.
2: Gino wins with a 96,000 raise pre-flop.
3: Arnaud wins with a 90,000 raise on the button.
4: Markus Golser wins moving all in UTG.
5: Kristian Kjondal wins with a 85,000 raise on the button.

Juha Lauttamus was the only player to not win a pot. Arnaud was the only player to win two. No flops were seen.

Level: 24

Blinds: 15,000/30,000

Ante: 3,000

Chip Counts

Here are the up-to-date counts for the five players remaining:

Arnaud Mattern (France) 1,734,000
Juha Lauttamus (Finland) 1,460,000
Kristian Kjondal (Norway) 1,200,000
Gino Alacqua (Italy) 763,000
Markus Golser (Austria) 420,000