2008 PokerStars.net EPT4 German Open - Dortmund

�7,700 + 300 German Open Main Event
Day: 4
Event Info

2008 PokerStars.net EPT4 German Open - Dortmund

Final Results
Winning Hand
Event Info
Prize Pool
Level Info
15,000 / 30,000

Back From Dinner

After the one-hour dinner break, the five players have now returned to wrap up this final table. The blinds have gone up to 15,000/30,000 with a 3,000 ante. Chip counts, betting structure and payouts can be found on the right side of this page.

Level: 24

Blinds: 15,000/30,000

Ante: 3,000

Dinner Break

Diego Perez raises pre-flop to 60k, all the other players fold, and they are off to have dinner. We will be back at approximately 7:55 local time. This is the chip count for the five remaining players at the dinner break:

Michael "Timex" McDonald 1,179,000
Torsten Haase 998,000
Andreas G��l��nay 804,000
Diego Perez 654,000
Claudio Rinaldi 480,000

Tags: Andreas G��l��nayClaudio RinaldiDiego PerezMichael McDonaldTorsten Haase

Rinaldi Wakes Up

Claudio Rinaldi
Claudio Rinaldi
After being very quiet for a while, Rinaldi moved all in on a G��l��nay pre-flop raise. When G��l��nay folded, Rinaldi showed his {Q-Hearts}{6-Diamonds} and climbed back to 466k.

In the following hand G��l��nay raised again, Rinaldi again went all in and G��l��nay was clearly stressed by Rinaldi's play. Was he bluffing again or did he have a hand? Someone called the clock on Gul��nay, who finally folded in disgust, and this time Rinaldi doesn't reveal his hand. G��l��nay is down to 764k and Rinaldi is up to 566k.

Tags: Andreas G��l��nayClaudio Rinaldi

G��l��nay Continues to Climb

Perez raises from the button pre-flop, G��l��nay re-raises to 120k and Perez calls from the button. The flop comes {A-Spades}{J-Hearts}{3-Spades}, G��l��nay bets out 200k and Perez folds. G��l��nay has been playing the best poker so far today and is now second in chips at 947k, not far behind chip leader Torsten Haase who is now at 962k.

Tags: Andreas G��l��nayDiego PerezTorsten Haase