2021 GG Spring Festival

H-38: $5,250 Bounty Hunters Main Event
Day: 1
Event Info

2021 GG Spring Festival

Final Results
Dawid "INSERTC0IN" Smolka
Winning Hand
Event Info
Prize Pool
Level Info
200,000 / 400,000

H-38: $5,250 Bounty Hunters Main Event

Day 1 Completed

Dawid "INSERTC0IN" Smolka Wins the GGSF H-38: $5,250 Main Event ($293,549)

Level 32 : 200,000/400,000, 60,000 ante
Dawid "INSERTC0IN" Smolka Wins the GGSF H-38: $5,250 Main Event
Dawid "INSERTC0IN" Smolka Wins the GGSF H-38: $5,250 Main Event

The GGPoker Spring Festival (GGSF) H-38: $5,250 Bounty is in the book after 10 1/2 hours of play with Dawid "INSERTC0IN" Smolka coming out on top with the win for $293,549 ($110,697 + $182,852 bounties).

Smolka collected nearly double that of his heads-up competitor Andrii Derzhypilskiy who banked $158,800 ($110,519 + $48,281 in bounties) for second place thanks to winning some big bounties including his own at the very end.

The victory nearly doubled Smolka's winnings at GGPoker which stand at $691,657 after his epic victory against a very tough field.

The GGSF H-38: $5,250 Bounty was yet another massive success for GGPoker with 357 entrants generating a $1,785,000 prize pool to smash the $1.5 million guarantee.

2021 GGPoker Spring Festival H-38: $5,250 Bounty Hunters Main Event Final Table Results

1Dawid "INSERTC0IN" SmolkaPoland$110,697$182,852$293,549
2Andrii DerzhypilskiyUkraine$110,519$48,281$158,800
3Preben StokkanNorway$84,263$5,625$89,888
4Eelis ParssinenFinland$64,193$20,469$84,661
5Rodrigo SelouanBrazil$48,903$40,781$89,684
6Diamond HandsAustria$34,255$21,055$55,310
8Dennys RamosBrazil$21,621$19,531$41,153
9Kartik "Mandovi" VedIndia$16,471$28,750$45,221

Action of the Day

The field blossomed to 357 entrants by the time the 280-minute late registration window was closed. There were 89 players remaining with 53 guaranteed at least a min-cash of $6,675 in addition to any bounties collected along the way.

GGPoker Ambassador Anatoly Filatov was off to a hot start but didn't make it until late registration was closed. Others such as Joakim Andersson, Wiktor Malinowski, and Daniel Dvoress made it past late-registration closing only to hit the rail before reaching the money.

The final 53 players were in the money after Nick Maimone was eliminated in a three-way pot holding big slick. David Peters was also eliminated in that hand with big slick but had more chips than Maimone to score a min-cash. Kartik "Mandovi" Ved held jacks and beat them both to not only collect two bounties but to also take the chip lead.

Meanwhile, GGPoker Ambassador Fedor Holz managed a bit better than Filatov by making it all the way to 14th place for $23,290 including $12,813 in bounties.

Final Table Action

Benjamin Chalot
Benjamin Chalot bubbled the final table in 10th place.

The final table began after Benjamin Chalot hit the rail in 10th place for $35,048 including bounties when his king-queen suited didn't get their against the ace-jack held by Eelis Parssinen.

Smolka began the final table with the chip lead but it wasn't all smooth sailing as it gave it up several times along the route to victory.

Derzhypilskiy ousted Ved in ninth place for $45,221 including bounties after getting paid on the river with a full house to take the chip lead.

Smolka then pushed Dennys Ramos out in eighth place for $41,153 including bounties when his ace-eight was good against ace-four. Very quickly after, Rodrigo Selouan ousted "QuantumKey" in seventh place for $55,413 including bounties when his ace-jack won a flip against pocket snowmen.

"Diamond Hands" was the next one out the door in sixth place for $58,310 including bounties when his pocket fives didn't win a flip against Smolka's ace-jack.

Smolka then regained the chip lead soon after and extended it to nearly half the chips in play after Rodrigo Selouan (fifth - $89,684) ran his ace-jack into Smolka's pocket rockets.

Two hands later, Parssinen hit the showers on a huge cooler to take fourth place for $84,661 including bounties when he got it in with jacks only to run up against the cowboys held by Derzhypilskiy.

The lead went back and forth a few times between Smolka and Derzhypilskiy during three-handed play. Smolka had the lead back when he eliminated Preben Stokkan in third place for $89,888 including bounties when his ace-queen suited won a flip against pocket fives.

Heads-Up Action

Smolka began heads-up play with a 1.5 chip advantage against Derzhypilskiy. However, Derzhypilskiy gained the lead at one point before giving it back to Smolka.

The final hand was one where both players had two pair. Smolka was betting on all three streets after flopping top two pair with ten-seven. The board paired on the turn to give Derzhypilskiy a lesser two pair with ten-nine suited and he called off his stack on the river to hit the rail in second place.

Congrats are in order to Dawid "INSERTC0IN" Smolka for winning the GGSF H-38: $5,250 Bounty Hunters Main Event for $293,549.

Stay tuned at PokerNews as we cover the biggest events in the $150 million guaranteed GGSF at GGPoker.

Tags: Anatoly FilatovAndrii DerzhypilskiyBenjamin ChalotDaniel DvoressDavid PetersDawid SmolkaDennys RamosFedor HolzJoakim AnderssonKartik VedNick MaimonePreben StokkanRodrigo SelouanWiktor Malinowski

Final Table Payouts

Level 32 : 200,000/400,000, 60,000 ante
1Dawid "INSERTC0IN" SmolkaPoland$110,697$182,852$293,549
2Andrii DerzhypilskiyUkraine$110,519$48,281$158,800
3Preben StokkanNorway$84,263$5,625$89,888
4Eelis ParssinenFinland$64,193$20,469$84,661
5Rodrigo SelouanBrazil$48,903$40,781$89,684
6Diamond HandsAustria$34,255$21,055$55,310
8Dennys RamosBrazil$21,621$19,531$41,153
9Kartik "Mandovi" VedIndia$16,471$28,750$45,221

Andrii Derzhypilskiy Eliminated in 2nd Place ($158,800)

Level 32 : 200,000/400,000, 60,000 ante

Dawid "INSERTC0IN" Smolka opened for 880,000 from the button and Andrii Derzhypilskiy defended his big blind.

Derzhypilskiy bet 620,400 on the {7-Hearts}{10-Clubs}{4-Diamonds} flop before he called a raise to 2,120,000 by Smolka. Dzerhypilskiy check-called a bet of 3,080,000 on the {6-Diamonds} turn.

The {4-Hearts} river paired the board and Derzhypilskiy checked again. Smolka jammed and Derzhypilskiy went into the tank for about a minute before he called.

Smolka turned over {10-Diamonds}{7-Spades} for a flopped two pair. This was better than Derzhypilskiy's two pair with {10-Spades}{9-Spades} to take all his chips and collect yet another bounty.

Derzhypilskiy collected $158,800 for second place, which includes $48,281 in bounties.

Meanwhile, a huge congrats to Dawid "INSERTC0IN" Smolka for winning the GGSF H-38: $5,250 Bounty Hunters Main Event for $293,549 including a whopping $182,852 in bounties!

Stay tuned at PokerNews for the recap of the one-day Bounty Hunters Main Event.

Player Chips Progress
Dawid "INSERTC0IN" Smolka
Dawid "INSERTC0IN" Smolka
Andrii Derzhypilskiy ua
Andrii Derzhypilskiy

Smolka Regains Control

Level 32 : 200,000/400,000, 60,000 ante

Andrii Derzhypilskiy opened to 800,000 and was called by Dawid "INSERTC0IN" Smolka.

Smolka check-called for 1,290,000 on the {j-Diamonds}{9-Hearts}{6-Hearts} flop before he check-called 2,626,000 on the {a-Spades} turn.

Both players checked the {7-Diamonds} river. Derzhypilskiy turned over {q-Diamonds}{j-Spades} for top pair which wasn't good enough as Smolka rivered two pair with {j-Hearts}{7-Spades} to regain the chip lead.

Player Chips Progress
Dawid "INSERTC0IN" Smolka
Dawid "INSERTC0IN" Smolka
Andrii Derzhypilskiy ua
Andrii Derzhypilskiy

Derzhypilskiy Over 20M

Level 32 : 200,000/400,000, 60,000 ante

Andrii Derzhypilskiy opened to 880,000 and was called by Dawid "INSERTC0IN" Smolka. Both players checked the {q-Diamonds}{5-Clubs}{k-Spades} flop and checked again on the {5-Diamonds} turn.

Smolka fired out for 1,520,000 on the {6-Diamonds} river and folded to a raise to 5,040,000 to give the pot to Derzhypilskiy.

Player Chips Progress
Andrii Derzhypilskiy ua
Andrii Derzhypilskiy
Dawid "INSERTC0IN" Smolka
Dawid "INSERTC0IN" Smolka

Level: 32

Blinds: 200,000/400,000

Ante: 60,000

Preben Stokkan Eliminated in 3rd Place ($89,888)

Level 31 : 150,000/300,000, 45,000 ante

Preben Stokkan jammed from the button for 3.9 million. Dawid "INSERTC0IN" Smolka three-bet jammed for 17.2 million from the small blind and Andrii Derzhypilskiy folded from the big blind.

Preben Stokkan: {5-Clubs}{5-Spades}
Dawid "INSERTC0IN" Smolka: {a-Clubs}{q-Clubs}

It was showers for Stokkan after Smolka nailed trips on the {q-Hearts}{k-Diamonds}{3-Diamonds}{4-Diamonds}{q-Spades} board. Stokkan collected $89,888 including bounties for third place.

Smolka began heads-up play with a 1.5:1 chip advantage against Derzhypilskiy.

Player Chips Progress
Dawid "INSERTC0IN" Smolka
Dawid "INSERTC0IN" Smolka
Andrii Derzhypilskiy ua
Andrii Derzhypilskiy
Preben Stokkan no
Preben Stokkan